Welcome to the Jefferson Elementary School District's Residency Program Overview. Before we get started, we would like to take a second and acknowledge your interest in becoming a teacher. We think you are making a great decision and we are here to help. Our teacher residency has two goals. First, it's about preparing you to be a difference maker at Jefferson Elementary School District by your first day of full-time teaching. Second, it's about increasing the number of quality teachers in TK, K, math, science, and diversifying our teaching staff within the Jefferson Elementary School District. So how do we do this? Well, we do it together. We match you with a mentor teach and place you in one of our JESD classrooms for a one year teaching training program to ground you in the work. As a resident teacher, you will receive a stipend. You'll also be in a classroom that is aligned to your credential and master's coursework. As a member of our program, you'll receive a tuition discount with the University of San Francisco. After you complete the first year of the program as a successful resident teacher, you will be offered a full-time teaching position within the district where you'll receive ongoing coaching support and a pay bump. From there, you will be able to finish grad school, gain your credential, and more importantly, teach. Welcome to the Teacher Residency Program at Jefferson Elementary School District. We are so glad to have you.