Learn to Create Impact
Tutor students in the Western Addition. Register voters all across the city. Build an app that improves lives. Come to USF and learn how to change the world in ways small and large.
Engage the Community
In community-engaged learning classes and programs, you work with neighbors and organizations that address local challenges.
Join the St. Ignatius Institute
The St. Ignatius Institute is a living-learning community that combines coursework in the humanities with extracurricular programming in community, service, and spirituality.
Make a Difference
“Change the world from here” is much more than a slogan. It's a dare. At USF we challenge you, our faculty, staff, and alumni to change the world for the better.

Advocate for Nursing Education
At many universities, only graduate students do research. At USF, undergraduate students do research, too.

Strengthen Health Systems Abroad
Dyrin Hernandez-Chavez '26 immersed himself in global health by participating in the Lesotho Global Health Immersion Program.