Transfer Credit

American River College Articulation Agreement

How to read this agreement:

Transferable courses are listed below by Core Curriculum area. In each area, a transferable course is listed one of two ways:

  • A transfer course will appear in the list of courses paired with its direct USF equivalent.
  • A transfer course with no direct equivalent at USF will display a placeholder course number of 1XX. These courses may be used to fulfill Core requirements where applicable.
  • Students only need to complete one course to fulfill each individual Core requirement.
  • If the transfer course does not meet a specific requirement, it may be used as elective credit.
  • USF makes every attempt to maintain the following equivalencies to ensure that the information is current for prospective transfer students.

This agreement is a menu of course options for planning purposes; you do not need to fulfill each area to be eligible for transfer to USF.

Discuss your path with a USF transfer admission counselor who can help you plan your courses.

Make an appointment

Last updated 10/1/24.

Public Speaking (A1)

Foundations of Communication

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
COMM 301 Intro to Public Speaking RHET 103 Public Speaking
COMM 302 Persuasive Speech COMS 1XX Persuasive Speech
COMM 311 Argumentation and Debate COMS 1XX Argumentation and Debate

Rhetoric & Composition (A2)

Foundations of Communication

Must be completed at USF
Students who have completed ENGWR 300 will be eligible to register for this Core Curriculum requirement at USF. Those who have not completed ENGWR 300 will be required to contact the Rhetoric and Language department for placement after admission

Math (B1)

Math and Sciences

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
CISP 440 Discrete Structures for CS CS 1XX Discrete Structures for CS
ECON 310 Stats for Business & Economics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
MATH 300 Intro to Mathematical Ideas MATH 1XX Intro to Mathematical Ideas
MATH 310 Mathematical Discovery MATH 1XX Mathematical Discovery
MATH 340 Calculus for Business and Economics MATH 1XX Calculus for Business and Economics
MATH 342 Modern Business Mathematics MATH 1XX Modern Business Mathematics
MATH 355 Calculus for Biology & Medicine I MATH 1XX Calculus for Biology & Medicine I
MATH 356 Calculus for Biology & Medicine II MATH 1XX Calculus for Biology & Medicine II
MATH 400 Calculus I MATH 109 Calculus & Analytic Geom I
MATH 420 Differential Equations MATH 1XX Differential Equations
PSYC 330 Intro to Stats for Behavioral Sciences PSYC 260 Psychological Statistics
STAT 300 Intro to Probability & Statistics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
STAT 480 Intro to Probability & Statistics - Honors MATH 101 Elementary Statistics

Laboratory Science (B2)

Math and Sciences

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ANTH 300 + 301 Biological Anthropology + Lab ANTH 1XX Biological Anthropology + Lab
ASTR 300 + 400 Introduction to Astronomy + Lab ASTR 1XX Introduction to Astronomy + Lab
ASTR 310 + 400 The Solar System + Astronomy Lab ASTR 1XX The Solar System + Astronomy Lab
ASTR 320 + 400 Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology + Lab ASTR 1XX Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology + Lab
ASTR 330 + 400 Intro to Astrobiology + Lab ASTR 1XX Intro to Astrobiology + Lab
ASTR 481 Honors Astronomy ASTR 1XX Honors Astronomy
BIOL 303 Survey of Biology BIOL 1XX Survey of Biology
BIOL 305 Natural History BIOL 1XX Natural History
BIOL 310 General Biology BIOL 1XX General Biology
BIOL 332 Intro to Ornithology BIOL 1XX Intro to Ornithology
BIOL 370 Marine Biology BIOL 1XX Marine Biology
BIOL 400 Principles of Biology BIOL 105 + 105L General Biology I + Lab
BIOL 410 Principles of Botany BIOL 1XX Principles of Botany
BIOL 415 Intro to Biology: Biodiversity BIOL 1XX Intro to Biology: Biodiversity
BIOL 420 Principles of Zoology BIOL 1XX Principles of Zoology
BIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 115 + 116 Human Physiology + Lab
BIOL 482 Honors Marine Biology BIOL 1XX Honors Marine Biology
CHEM 305 Introduction to Chemistry CHEM 111 + 112 General Chemistry I + Lab
CHEM 309 Integrated Gen, Organic, Biological Chem CHEM 1XX Integrated Gen, Organic, Biological Chem
CHEM 338 Chemistry in Your World CHEM 1XX Chemistry in Your World
CHEM 400 General Chemistry I CHEM 111 + 112 General Chemistry I + Lab
CHEM 423 Organic Chemistry - Short Survey CHEM 1XX Organic Chemistry - Short Survey
GEOG 300 + 301 Physical Geography + Lab TRNS 1XX Physical Geography + Lab
GEOG 308 + 309 Intro to Oceanography + Lab TRNS 1XX Intro to Oceanography + Lab
GEOL 300 + 301 Physical Geology + Lab TRNS 1XX Physical Geology + Lab
GEOL 305 + 306 Earth Science + Lab TRNS 1XX Earth Science + Lab
GEOL 310 + 311 Historical Geology + Lab TRNS 1XX Historical Geology + Lab
GEOL 330 + 331 Intro to Oceanography + Lab TRNS 1XX Intro to Oceanography + Lab
NATR 301 Intro to Ornithology BIOL 1XX Intro to Ornithology
NATR 302 Intro to Wildlife Biology BIOL 1XX Intro to Wildlife Biology
NATR 320 Principles of Ecology BIOL 1XX Principles of Ecology
PHYS 310 + 312 Conceptual Physics + Lab PHYS 1XX Conceptual Physics + Lab
PHYS 350 General Physics PHYS 100 + 100L Introductory Physics I + Lab
PHYS 410 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids PHYS 1XX Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
PHYS 421 Electricity and Magnetism PHYS 1XX Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 431 Heat, Waves, Light and Modern Physics PHYS 1XX Heat, Waves, Light and Modern Physics

Literature (C1)


Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
DEAF 380 American Sign Language Literature ASL 1XX American Sign Language Literature
ENGLT 300 Introduction to Fiction ENGL 1XX Introduction to Fiction
ENGLT 304 Introduction to Poetry ENGL 1XX Introduction to Poetry
ENGLT 308 The Graphic Novel and Manga ENGL 1XX The Graphic Novel and Manga
ENGLT 320 American Literature I ENGL 1XX American Literature I
ENGLT 321 American Literature II ENGL 1XX American Literature II
ENGLT 327 Literature of California ENGL 1XX Literature of California
ENGLT 330 African American Literature ENGL 1XX African American Literature
ENGLT 334 Asian-American Literature ENGL 1XX Asian-American Literature
ENGLT 335 Latino, Mexican-American & Chicano Lit ENGL 1XX Latino, Mexican-American & Chicano Lit
ENGLT 338 Native American Literature ENGL 1XX Native American Literature
ENGLT 340 World Literature I ENGL 1XX World Literature I
ENGLT 341 World Literature II ENGL 1XX World Literature II
ENGLT 360 Women in Literature ENGL 1XX Women in Literature
ENGLT 365 Intro to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Lit ENGL 1XX Intro to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Lit
ENGLT 370 Children and Literature ENGL 1XX Children and Literature
ENGLT 378 Young Adult Literature ENGL 1XX Young Adult Literature
ENGLT 382 Intro to Dramatic Literature ENGL 1XX Intro to Dramatic Literature
ENGLT 392 Science Fiction and Fantasy ENGL 1XX Science Fiction and Fantasy
ENGLT 486 Honors African American Literature ENGL 1XX Honors African American Literature
ENGLT 494 Topics in Literature ENGL 1XX Topics in Literature
SPAN 427 Intro to Spanish American Lit SPAN 1XX Intro to Spanish American Lit

History (C2)


Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
HIST 300 History of Western Civilization HIST 1XX History of Western Civilization
HIST 302 History of Western Civilization HIST 1XX History of Western Civilization
HIST 305 Women in Western Civilization HIST 1XX Women in Western Civilization
HIST 307 History of World Civilizations to 1500 HIST 1XX History of World Civilizations to 1500
HIST 308 History of World Civilizations 1500-Present HIST 1XX History of World Civilizations 1500-Present
HIST 310 History of the United States HIST 1XX History of the United States
HIST 311 History of the United States HSIT 1XX History of the United States
HIST 318 American Intellectual & Cultural History HIST 1XX American Intellectual & Cultural History
HIST 320 History of US: African-American Emphasis HIST 1XX History of US: African-American Emphasis
HIST 321 History of US: African-American Emphasis HIST 1XX History of US: African-American Emphasis
HIST 323 History of US: American Indian Experience HIST 1XX History of US: American Indian Experience
HIST 325 History of Asian-Pacific Americans HIST 1XX History of Asian-Pacific Americans
HIST 327 History of Chicano/Mexican American HIST 1XX History of Chicano/Mexican American
HIST 330 Women in American History HIST 1XX Women in American History
HIST 332 Women in American History to 1877 HIST 1XX Women in American History to 1877
HIST 333 Women in American History 1865-Present HIST 1XX Women in American History 1865-Present
HIST 353 History of the Islamic World HIST 1XX History of the Islamic World
HIST 364 Asian Civilization HIST 1XX Asian Civilization
HIST 365 Asian Civilization HIST 1XX Asian Civilization
HIST 367 History of Russia HIST 1XX History of Russia
HIST 374 History of Latin America to 1830 HIST 1XX History of Latin America to 1830
HIST 375 History Modern Latin America & Caribbean HIST 1XX History Modern Latin America & Caribbean
HIST 399 Italian History and Culture HIST 1XX Italian History and Culture
HIST 480 History of Western Civilization - Honors HIST 1XX History of Western Civilization - Honors
HIST 481 History of Western Civilization - Honors HIST 1XX History of Western Civilization - Honors
HIST 483 History of United States - Honors HIST 1XX History of United States - Honors
HIST 484 History of United States - Honors HIST 1XX History of United States - Honors

Philosophy (D1)

Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
PHIL 300 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 110 Great Philosophical Questions
PHIL 330 History of Classical Philosophy PHIL 1XX History of Classical Philosophy
PHIL 331 History of Modern Philosophy PHIL 1XX History of Modern Philosophy
PHIL 360 Social/Political Philosophy PHIL 1XX Social/Political Philosophy

Religion (D2)

Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
HUM 324 Global Islam: Culture & Civilization TRNS 1XX Global Islam: Culture & Civilization
HUM 355 Intro to World Religions THRS 1XX Intro to World Religions
HUM 360 Intro to the Old Testament THRS 1XX Intro to the Old Testament
HUM 365 Intro to the New Testament THRS 1XX Intro to the New Testament
PHIL 350 Philosophy of Religion THRS 1XX Philosophy of Religion
RLST 301 Intro to World Religions THRS 1XX Intro to World Religions
RLST 310 Intro to the Hebrew Bible THRS 1XX Intro to the Hebrew Bible
RLST 311 Intro to the New Testament THRS 1XX Intro to the New Testament
RLST 313 Introduction to Islam THRS 1XX Introduction to Islam

Ethics (D3)

Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ACCT 361 Ethics, Fraud, & Legal Issues BUS 1XX Ethics, Fraud, & Legal Issues
HSER 310 Ethical Issues & Client's Rights TRNS 1XX Ethical Issues & Client's Rights
PHIL 310 Introduction to Ethics PHIL 240 Ethics
PHIL 315 Contemporary Moral Issues PHIL 1XX Contemporary Moral Issues

Social & Behavioral Sciences (E)

Social Sciences

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ADMJ 300 Intro to Administration of Justice TRNS 1XX Intro to Administration of Justice
ADMJ 302 Community Relations: Multicultural TRNS 1XX Community Relations: Multicultural
ADMJ 304 Juvenile Delinquency TRNS 1XX Juvenile Delinquency
ANTH 310 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 1XX Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 319 Visual Anthropology ANTH 1XX Visual Anthropology
ANTH 320 Intro to Archaeology & World Prehistory ANTH 1XX Intro to Archaeology & World Prehistory
ANTH 330 Magic, Witchcraft, & Religion ANTH 1XX Magic, Witchcraft, & Religion
ANTH 333 American Indians of California ANTH 1XX American Indians of California
ANTH 334 Native Peoples of North America ANTH 1XX Native Peoples of North America
ANTH 336 Anthropology of Sex, Sexuality ANTH 1XX Anthropology of Sex, Sexuality
ANTH 341 Introduction to Linguistics ANTH 1XX Introduction to Linguistics
ANTH 481 Honors Cultural Anthropology ANTH 1XX Honors Cultural Anthropology
BUS 330 Managing Diversity in the Work BUS 1XX Managing Diversity in the Work
COMM 325 Intercultural Communication COMS 1XX Intercultural Communication
DEAF 351 Intro to American Deaf Culture ASL 1XX Intro to American Deaf Culture
DEAF 355 Audism and Inequality of the Deaf ASL 1XX Audism and Inequality of the Deaf
ECE 312 Child Development COMS 1XX Child Development
ECE 314 The Child Family and Community TRNS 1XX The Child Family and Community
ECON 302 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 304 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 305 Intro to Economies of Africa ECON 1XX Intro to Economies of Africa
ETHNS 300 Introduction to Ethnic Studies TRNS 1XX Introduction to Ethnic Studies
ETHNS 320 Intro to African American Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to African American Studies
ETHNS 330 Intro to Asian American Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Asian American Studies
ETHNS 340 Intro to Chicana/o/x Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Chicana/o/x Studies
ETHNS 350 Intro to Native American Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Native American Studies
GEOG 310 Human Geography TRNS 1XX Human Geography
GEOG 320 World Regional Geography TRNS 1XX World Regional Geography
GEOG 322 Geography of California TRNS 1XX Geography of California
GERON 302 Psychology of Aging: Adult Development TRNS 1XX Psychology of Aging: Adult Development
GERON 303 Intro to Social Gerontology TRNS 1XX Intro to Social Gerontology
GERON 305 Intro to Geropsychology & Aging Brain TRNS 1XX Intro to Geropsychology & Aging Brain
HSER 330 Issues of Diverse Populations TRNS 1XX Issues of Diverse Populations
IS 301 Introduction to Global Studies TRNS 1XX Introduction to Global Studies
IS 302 Issues in Global Studies TRNS 1XX Issues in Global Studies
IS 305 Intro to Middle East Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Middle East Studies
IS 310 Peace and Conflict TRNS 1XX Peace and Conflict
IS 312 Current International Development TRNS 1XX Current International Development
JOUR 310 Mass Media and Society MS 1XX Mass Media and Society
JOUR 320 Race and Gender in the Media MS 1XX Race and Gender in the Media
NATR 307 Principles of Sustainability TRNS 1XX Principles of Sustainability
POLS 301 Intro to Government: U.S. POLS 1XX Intro to Government: U.S.
POLS 302 Comparative Politics POLS 1XX Comparative Politics
POLS 304 Intro to Government: California POLS 1XX Intro to Government: California
POLS 310 Intro to International Relations POLS 1XX Intro to International Relations
POLS 320 Intro to Political Theory POLS 1XX Intro to Political Theory
POLS 330 Constitutional Rights POLS 1XX Constitutional Rights
POLS 342 Women & Politics from Global Perspective POLS 1XX Women & Politics from Global Perspective
POLS 480 Intro to International Relations - Honors POLS 1XX Intro to International Relations - Honors
POLS 481 Intro to Government: U.S. - Honors POLS 1XX Intro to Government: U.S. - Honors
PSYC 300 General Principles PSYC 101 General Psychology
PSYC 305 Psychology Applied to Modern Life PSYC 1XX Psychology Applied to Modern Life
PSYC 361 Psych of Women in a Multicultural Society PSYC 1XX Psych of Women in a Multicultural Society
PSYC 365 Issues of Diverse Populations PSYC 1XX Issues of Diverse Populations
PSYC 374 Psychology of Aging: Adult Development PSYC 1XX Psychology of Aging: Adult Development
PSYC 375 Intro to Geropsychology & Aging Brain PSYC 1XX Intro to Geropsychology & Aging Brains
PSYC 390 Psychology of Death and Dying PSYC 1XX Psychology of Death and Dying
PSYC 480 Honors General Principles PSYC 101 General Psychology
SJS 300 Intro to Social Justice Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Social Justice Studies
SJS 310 Intro to LGBTQ Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to LGBTQ Studies
SOC 300 Introductory Sociology SOC 150 Intro to Sociology
SOC 301 Social Problems SOC 226 Social Problems
SOC 309 Self and Society SOC 1XX Self and Society
SOC 325 Chicano Culture SOC 1XX Chicano Culture
SOC 335 Sociology of Aging SOC 1XX Sociology of Aging
SOC 342 Gender Relations in American Society SOC 260 Sociology of Gender
SOC 350 Sociology of Popular Culture SOC 1XX Sociology of Popular Culture
SOC 480 Introductory Sociology - Honors SOC 150 Intro to Sociology

Visual & Performing Arts (F)

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ARTH 300 Art Appreciation ART 1XX Art Appreciation
ARTH 302 Art: Stone Age through Middle Ages ART 1XX Art: Stone Age through Middle Ages
ARTH 308 Renaissance Tradition in Art ART 1XX Renaissance Tradition in Art
ARTH 310 Modern Art ART 1XX Modern Art
ARTH 318 History of American Art ART 1XX History of American Art
ARTH 322 Art History of Non-Western World ART 1XX Art History of Non-Western World
ARTH 333 Introduction to Islamic Art ART 1XX Introduction to Islamic Art
ARTH 334 International Contemporary Art ART 1XX International Contemporary Art
ARTH 335 Survey of Photography ART 1XX Survey of Photography
ARTNM 305 History of Graphic Design ART 1XX History of Graphic Design
ARTPH 345 Survey of Photography ART 1XX Survey of Photography
ENGLT 403 Film Adaptations ENGL 1XX Film Adaptations
FASHN 300 Intro to the Fashion Industry TRNS 1XX Intro to the Fashion Industry
FASHN 330 History of Western World Fashion TRNS 1XX History of Western World Fashion
MUFHL 300 Introduction to Music MUS 1XX Introduction to Music
MUFHL 308 Intro to Music: Rock and Roll MUS 1XX Intro to Music: Rock and Roll
MUFHL 310 Survey of Music History and Literature MUS 1XX Survey of Music History and Literature
MUFHL 311 Survey of Music History and Literature MUS 1XX Survey of Music History and Literature
MUFHL 315 Jazz History MUS 1XX Jazz History
MUFHL 330 World Music MUS 1XX World Music
TA 300 Introduction to the Theatre THTR 1XX Introduction to the Theatre
TA 302 History and Theory of Theatre I THTR 1XX History and Theory of Theatre I
TA 303 History and Theory of Theatre II THTR 1XX History and Theory of Theatre II
TA 306 Diversity in American Drama THTR 1XX Diversity in American Drama
TA 435 History and Theory of Costuming THTR 1XX History and Theory of Costuming
TAFILM 300 Introduction to Film MS 1XX Introduction to Film
TAFILM 302 History of Film MS 1XX History of Film
TAFILM 303 History of Film: 1880's - 1950's MS 1XX History of Film: 1880's - 1950's
TAFILM 304 History of Film: 1950's - Present MS 1XX History of Film: 1950's - Present
TAFILM 307 Diversity in American Film MS 1XX Diversity in American Film
TAFILM 320 Cinema Genres MS 1XX Cinema Genres

Cultural Diversity (CD)

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ADMJ 302 Community Relations: Multicultural TRNS 1XX Community Relations: Multicultural
ANTH 310 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 1XX Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 333 American Indians of California ANTH 1XX American Indians of California
ANTH 334 Native Peoples of North America ANTH 1XX Native Peoples of North America
ANTH 481 Honors Cultural Anthropology ANTH 1XX Honors Cultural Anthropology
ARTH 322 Art History of Non-Western World ART 1XX Art History of Non-Western World
ARTH 333 Introduction to Islamic Art ART 1XX Introduction to Islamic Art
BUS 330 Managing Diversity in the Work BUS 1XX Managing Diversity in the Work
COMM 325 Intercultural Communication COMS 1XX Intercultural Communication
DEAF 351 Intro to American Deaf Culture ASL 1XX Intro to American Deaf Culture
DEAF 355 Audism and Inequality of the Deaf ASL 1XX Audism and Inequality of the Deaf
ECE 430 Culture and Diversity in ECE TRNS 1XX Culture and Diversity in ECE
ECON 305 Intro to Economies of Africa ENGL 1XX Intro to Economies of Africa
ENGLT 330 African American Literature ENGL 1XX African American Literature
ENGLT 334 Asian-American Literature ENGL 1XX Asian-American Literature
ENGLT 335 Latino, Mexican-American & Chicano Lit ENGL 1XX Latino, Mexican-American & Chicano Lit
ENGLT 338 Native American Literature ENGL 1XX Native American Literature
ENGLT 360 Women in Literature ENGL 1XX Women in Literature
ENGLT 365 Intro to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Lit ENGL 1XX Intro to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Lit
ENGLT 486 Honors African American Literature ENGL 1XX Honors African American Literature
ETHNS 300 Introduction to Ethnic Studies TRNS 1XX Introduction to Ethnic Studies
ETHNS 320 Intro to African American Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to African American Studies
ETHNS 330 Intro to Asian American Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Asian American Studies
ETHNS 340 Intro to Chicana/o/x Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Chicana/o/x Studies
ETHNS 350 Intro to Native American Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Native American Studies
GEOG 310 Human Geography TRNS 1XX Human Geography
GEOG 320 World Regional Geography TRNS 1XX World Regional Geography
HIST 320 History of US: African-American Emphasis HIST 1XX History of US: African-American Emphasis
HIST 321 History of US: African-American Emphasis HIST 1XX History of US: African-American Emphasis
HIST 323 History of US: American Indian Experience HIST 1XX History of US: American Indian Experience
HIST 325 History of Asian-Pacific Americans HIST 1XX History of Asian-Pacific Americans
HIST 327 History of Chicano/Mexican American HIST 1XX History of Chicano/Mexican American
HIST 330 Women in American History HIST 1XX Women in American History
HIST 332 Women in American History to 1877 HIST 1XX Women in American History to 1877
HIST 333 Women in American History 1865-Present HIST 1XX Women in American History 1865-Present
HIST 353 History of the Islamic World HIST 1XX History of the Islamic World
HIST 364 Asian Civilization HIST 1XX Asian Civilization
HIST 365 Asian Civilization HIST 1XX Asian Civilization
HIST 367 History of Russia HIST 1XX History of Russia
HIST 374 History of Latin America to 1830 HIST 1XX History of Latin America to 1830
HIST 375 History Modern Latin America & Caribbean HIST 1XX History Modern Latin America & Caribbean
HUM 320 Asian Humanities TRNS 1XX Asian Humanities
HUM 324 Global Islam: Culture & Civilization TRNS 1XX Global Islam: Culture & Civilization
HUM 326 Middle Eastern Humanities TRNS 1XX Middle Eastern Humanities
HSER 330 Issues of Diverse Populations TRNS 1XX Issues of Diverse Populations
IS 302 Issues in Global Studies TRNS 1XX Issues in Global Studies
IS 305 Intro to Middle East Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Middle East Studies
JOUR 320 Race and Gender in the Media TRNS 1XX Race and Gender in the Media
NUTRI 310 Cultural Foods of the World TRNS 1XX Cultural Foods of the World
POLS 342 Women & Politics from Global Perspective POLS 1XX Women & Politics from Global Perspective
PSYC 351 Psyc of Family Life & Intimate Relations SOC 229 Diversity/Amer Families
PSYC 361 Psych of Women in a Multicultural Society PSYC 1XX Psych of Women in a Multicultural Society
PSYC 365 Issues of Diverse Populations PSYC 1XX Issues of Diverse Populations
SJS 300 Intro to Social Justice Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Social Justice Studies
SJS 310 Intro to LGBTQ Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to LGBTQ Studies
SOC 320 Minorities in America SOC 1XX Minorities in America
SOC 325 Chicano Culture SOC 1XX Chicano Culture
SOC 342 Gender Relations in American Society SOC 260 Sociology of Gender
TA 306 Diversity in American Drama THTR 1XX Diversity in American Drama
TAFILM 307 Diversity in American Film MS 1XX Diversity in American Film

Community Engaged Learning

Must be completed at USF
Community-Engaged Learning requirement may be met by completing course sections designated as “CEL”. The Community-Engaged Learning requirement should guide students to develop civic competencies while addressing some issue of the public good.

Common Course Equivalencies

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ACCT 301 Financial Accounting BUS 201 Principles of Financial Acct
ACCT 311 Managerial Accounting BUS 202 Principles of Managerial Acct
BIOL 400 Principles of Biology BIOL 105 & 105L Principles of Biology
BIOL 430 Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 113 + 114 Human Anatomy + Lab
BIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 115 + 116 Human Physiology + Lab
BIOL 440 General Microbiology BIOL 134 + 135 Microbiology + Lab
BIOL 442 General Microbiology & Public Health BIOL 134 + 135 Microbiology + Lab
CHEM 305 Introduction to Chemistry CHEM 111 + 112 General Chemistry I + Lab
CHEM 306 Intro to Organic & Biological Chemistry CHEM 113 + 114 General Chemistry II + Lab
CHEM 400 General Chemistry I CHEM 111 + 112 General Chemistry I + Lab
CHEM 401 General Chemistry II CHEM 113 + 114 General Chemistry II + Lab
CHEM 420 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 230 + 232 Organic Chemistry I + Lab I
CHEM 421 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 231 + 234 Organic Chemistry II + Lab II
COMM 301 Intro to Public Speaking RHET 103 Public Speaking
DEAF 310 American Sign Language I ASL 101 First Semester ASL
DEAF 312 American Sign Language II ASL 102 Second Semester ASL
DEAF 314 American Sign Language III ASL 201 Third Semester ASL
ECON 302 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 304 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 310 Stats for Business & Economics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
ENGLT 310 English Literature I ENGL 310 Literature 1
ENGLT 311 English Literature II ENGL 330 Literature 3
ENGLT 345 Mythologies of the World ENGL 410 Special Topics in Lit & Film
ENGLT 380 Introduction to Shakespeare ENGL 340 Shakespeare
GERM 401 Elementary German I GERM 101 First Semester German
GERM 402 Elementary German II GERM 102 Second Semester German
GERM 411 Intermediate German GERM 201 Third Semester German
GERM 412 Intermediate German GERM 202 Fourth Semester German
HIST 373 History of Mexico HIST 373 Modern Mexico
ITAL 401 Elementary Italian ITAL 101 First Semester Italian
ITAL 402 Elementary Italian ITAL 102 Second Semester Italian
ITAL 411 Intermediate Italian ITAL 201 Third Semester Italian
ITAL 412 Intermediate Italian ITAL 202 Fourth Semester Italian
MATH 370 Pre-Calculus Mathematics MATH 108 Precalculus
MATH 400 Calculus I MATH 109 Calculus & Analytic Geom I
MATH 401 Calculus II MATH 110 Calculus & Analytic Geom II
MATH 402 Calculus III MATH 211 Calculus & Analytic Geom III
MATH 410 Introduction to Linear Algebra MATH 230 Elementary Linear Algebra
PHIL 300 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 110 Great Philosophical Questions
PHIL 310 Introduction to Ethics PHIL 240 Ethics
PHYS 350 General Physics PHYS 100 + 100L Introductory Physics I + Lab
PHYS 360 General Physics PHYS 101 + 101L Introductory Physics II + Lab
PSYC 300 General Principles PSYC 101 General Psychology
PSYC 310 Biological Psychology PSYC 270 Biological Psychology
PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 310 Social Psychology
PSYC 330 Intro to Stats for Behavioral Sciences PSYC 260 Psychological Statistics
PSYC 335 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 265 Research Design
PSYC 340 Abnormal Behavior PSYC 313 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 354 Psyc of Family Life & Intimate Relations SOC 229 Diversity/Amer Families
PSYC 356 Human Sexuality PSYC 331 Psychology of Sexuality
PSYC 370 Human Development: A Life Span PSYC 350 Perspectives in Psychology
PSYC 372 Child Development PSYC 312 Child Development
PSYC 480 Honors General Principles PSYC 101 General Psychology
PSYC 481 Honors Abnormal Behavior PSYC 313 Abnormal Psychology
RUSS 401 Elementary Russian RUSS 101 First Semester Russian
RUSS 402 Elementary Russian RUSS 102 Second Semester Russian
RUSS 411 Intermediate Russian RUSS 201 Third Semester Russian
SOC 300 Introductory Sociology SOC 150 Intro to Sociology
SOC 301 Social Problems SOC 226 Social Problems
SOC 302 Intro to Social Research Methods SOC 308 Research Methods
SOC 318 Intro to Crime, Deviance & Social Control SOC 357 Criminology
SOC 321 Race, Ethnicity & Inequality in US SOC 325 Critical Approach to Race/Ethn
SOC 342 Gender Relations in American Society SOC 260 Sociology of Gender
SOC 480 Introductory Sociology - Honors SOC 150 Intro to Sociology
SPAN 401 Elementary Spanish SPAN 101 First Semester Spanish
SPAN 402 Elementary Spanish SPAN 102 Second Semester Spanish
SPAN 411 Intermediate Spanish SPAN 201 Third Semester Spanish
SPAN 412 Intermediate Spanish SPAN 202 Fourth Semester Spanish
STAT 300 Intro to Probability & Statistics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
STAT 480 Intro to Probability & Statistics - Honors MATH 101 Elementary Statistics

Transfer Admission

Lone Mountain Main 251
2800 Turk Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118

Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Call (415) 422-6563
Text (415) 636-6272