Transfer Credit

City College of San Francisco Articulation Agreement

How to read this agreement:

Transferable courses are listed below by Core Curriculum area. In each area, a transferable course is listed one of two ways:

  • A transfer course will appear in the list of courses paired with its direct USF equivalent.
  • A transfer course with no direct equivalent at USF will display a placeholder course number of 1XX. These courses may be used to fulfill Core requirements where applicable.
  • Students only need to complete one course to fulfill each individual Core requirement.
  • If the transfer course does not meet a specific requirement, it may be used as elective credit.
  • USF makes every attempt to maintain the following equivalencies to ensure that the information is current for prospective transfer students.

This agreement is a menu of course options for planning purposes; you do not need to fulfill each area to be eligible for transfer to USF.

Discuss your path with a USF transfer admission counselor who can help you plan your courses.

Make an appointment

Last updated 1/16/25.

CCSF Transfer Pathway Guides

If you're majoring in psychology, biology, business, computer science, or public health, view these guides to see exactly what courses to take at CCSF now so that you can be ready to transfer.

Public Speaking (A1)

Foundation of Communication

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
CMST 1A Elements of Public Speaking RHET 103 Public Speaking
CMST 3 Argumentation and Debate RHET 103 Public Speaking
CMST 12 Fundamentals of Oral Communications RHET 103 Public Speaking
CMST 38 Forensics Competition RHET 103 Public Speaking
COMM C1000 Introduction to Public Speaking RHET 103 Public Speaking

Rhetoric & Composition (A2)

Foundation of Communication

Must be completed at USF
Students who have completed ENGL C1000 (formerly ENGL 1A) will be eligible to register for this Core Curriculum requirement at USF. Those who have not completed ENGL C1000 (formerly ENGL 1A) will be required to contact the Rhetoric and Language department for placement after admission

Math (B1)

Math and Sciences

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
CS 110A Intro to Programming CS 110 Intro to Computer Science I
CS 111A Intro to Programming: Java CS 110 Intro to Computer Science I
CS 111B Programming Fundamentals: Java CS 110 Intro to Computer Science I
CS 131A Python Programming CS 110 Intro to Computer Science I
CS 212 iPhone Programming CS 110 Intro to Computer Science I
ECON 5 Introductory Statistics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
ECON 5 & MABS 101 Introductory Statistics & Microsoft Excel MATH 106 Business Statistics
LALS 5 Intro to Statistical Methods MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
MATH 70 Liberal Arts Math MATH 1XX Liberal Arts Math
MATH 75 Math Analysis for Business MATH 1XX Math Analysis for Business
MATH 80 Probability and Statistics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
MATH 80 & MABS 101 Probability and Statistics & Microsoft Excel MATH 106 Business Statistics
MATH 100A Short Calculus I MATH 109 Calculus & Analytic Geom I
MATH 100B Short Calculus II MATH 1XX Short Calculus II
MATH 110A Calculus I MATH 109 Calculus & Analytic Geom I
PSYC 5 Statistics for Behavioral Sci PSYC 260 Psychological Statistics
STAT C1000 Introduction to Statistics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics

Laboratory Science (B2)

Math and Sciences

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ANTH 1 & 1L Biological Anthropology & Lab ANTH 1XX Biological Anthropology & Lab
ASTR 1 & 16 Cosmic Evolution & Observational Lab ASTR 1XX Cosmic Evolution & Observational Lab
ASTR 17 & 16 Planets & Observational Laboratory ASTR 1XX Planets & Observational Laboratory
ASTR 18 & 16 Stars & Observational Laboratory ASTR 1XX Stars & Observational Laboratory
ASTR 19 & 16 Galaxies and the Universe & Observational Lab ASTR 1XX Galaxies and the Universe & Observational Lab
BIO 9 Human Biology BIOL 1XX Human Biology
BIO 10 Animal Biology BIOL 1XX Animal Biology
BIO 11 Sci of Living Organisms BIOL 105 & 105L General Biology I & Lab
BIO 12 Plant Biology BIOL 1XX Plant Biology
BIO 14 Plant Ecology BIOL 1XX Plant Ecology
BIO 19 Ecology BIOL 1XX Ecology
BIO 20 Intro to Ecology BIOL 1XX Intro to Ecology
BIO 32 & 32L Marine Biology & Laboratory BIOL 1XX Marine Biology & Laboratory
BIO 51 & 51L Intro to Genetics & Laboratory BIOL 1XX Intro to Genetics & Laboratory
BIO 100A General Biology BIOL 105 & 105L General Biology I & Lab
BIO 100B General Biology BIOL 106 & 106L General Biology II & Lab
BIO 106 Intro Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 1XX Intro Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 111 Human Physiology BIOL 1XX Human Physiology
BIO 112 Intro Human Physiology BIOL 115 & 116 Human Physiology & Lab
BIO 118 Intro to Entomology BIOL 1XX Intro to Entomology
BTEC 4 Intro to Biotechnology TRNS 1XX Intro to Biotechnology
CHEM 32 Intro to Medical Chemistry CHEM 1XX Intro to Medical Chemistry
CHEM 40 Intro to Chem Principles CHEM 1XX Intro to Chem Principles
CHEM 101A General College Chemistry CHEM 111 & 112 General Chemistry I & Lab
CHEM 103A General Chemistry for Engineer CHEM 1XX General Chemistry for Engineer
CHEM 208A Chemical Structure & Reactivity I CHEM 1XX Chemical Structure & Reactivity I
CHEM 208B Chemical Structure & Reactivity II CHEM 1XX Chemical Structure & Reactivity II 
ENRG 3 & 3L Intro to Alternative Energy & Lab TRNS 1XX Intro to Alternative Energy & Lab
ENVS 31 & 31L Intro to Environmental Science & Lab ENVS 110 & 110L Intro to Environmental Science & Lab
GEOG 1 & 1L Physical Geography & Laboratory TRNS 1XX Physical Geography & Laboratory
GEOL 10 & 10L Physical Geology & Lab TRNS 1XX Physical Geology & Lab
GEOL 11 & 11L Historical Geology & Lab TRNS 1XX Historical Geology & Lab
GEOL 30 & 30L Environmental Geology & Laboratory TRNS 1XX Environmental Geology & Laboratory
GEOL 111 Historical Geology with Lab TRNS 1XX Historical Geology with Lab
OCAN 1 & 1L Oceanography & Laboratory TRNS 1XX Oceanography & Laboratory
P SC 11 & 11L Conceptual Physical Science & Lab TRNS 1XX Conceptual Physical Science & Lab
PHYC 2A & 2AL Introductory Physics I & Laboratory PHYS 100 & 100L Introductory Physics I & Laboratory
PHYC 4A & 4AL Classical Mechanics & Lab PHYS 1XX Classical Mechanics & Lab
PHYC 4B & 4BL Electromagnetism & Lab PHYS 1XX Electromagnetism & Lab
PHYC 4C & 4CL Waves and Thermodynamics & Lab PHYS 1XX Waves and Thermodynamics & Lab
PHYC 4D & 4DL Modern Physics & Laboratory PHYS 1XX Modern Physics & Laboratory
PHYC 10 & 10L Conceptual Physics & Laboratory PHYS 1XX Conceptual Physics & Laboratory

Literature (C1)


Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ASAM 6 Asian American Issues thru Lit ENGL 211 Asian American Lit Survey
CLAS 35 Tragic Drama of Greece ENGL 1XX Tragic Drama of Greece
ENGL 43 Intro to Poetry ENGL 1XX Intro to Poetry
ENGL 44A Survey of World Literature I ENGL 1XX Survey of World Literature I
ENGL 44B Survey of World Literature II ENGL 1XX Survey of World Literature II
ENGL 46A Survey of Lit in English Pt 1 ENGL 1XX Survey of Lit in English Pt 1
ENGL 46B Survey of Lit in English Pt 2 ENGL 1XX Survey of Lit in English Pt 2
ENGL 46C Survey of Lit in English Pt 3 ENGL 1XX Survey of Lit in English Pt 3
ENGL 48C Science Fiction and Fantasy ENGL 1XX Science Fiction and Fantasy
ENGL 48K The Bible as Literature ENGL 1XX The Bible as Literature
ENGL 51 The Graphic Novel as Literature ENGL 1XX The Graphic Novel as Literature
ENGL 54 Children's and Young Adult Lit ENGL 1XX Children's and Young Adult Lit
ENGL 55 Queer Literature ENGL 230 Lit, Gender & Sexualities
ENGL 57 Survey of Women's Literature ENGL 208 Survey of Women's Literature I
ENGL 58 Contemporary Women's Writing ENGL 209 Survey of Women's Lit II
ENGL 61 Literature and Film ENGL 1XX Literature and Film
ENGL 62 Video Games and Literature ENGL 1XX Video Games and Literature
IDST 14 American Cultures in Lit ENGL 1XX American Cultures in Lit
IDST 36 Poetry for the People ENGL 1XX Poetry for the People

History (C2)


Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ASAM 20 Asian American Experience Since 1820 TRNS 1XX Asian American Experience Since 1820
FREN 41 Culture/Civilization of France FREN 1XX Culture/Civilization of France
FREN 42 Contemp French Culture & Civilization FREN 1XX Contemp French Culture & Civilization
HIST 1 United States Since 1900 HIST 1XX United States Since 1900
HIST 4A Western Civilization HIST 110 European Civilization
HIST 4B Western Civilization HIST 1XX Western Civilization
HIST 5 Europe Since 1900 HIST 115 European/U.S. History
HIST 9 Immigrants in US History HIST 1XX Immigrants in US History
HIST 12A US Women's History HIST 1XX US Women's History
HIST 12B US Women's History HIST 127 Women in US History
HIST 15A Hist of the American Indian: Eastern Tribes HIST 1XX Hist of the American Indian: Eastern Tribes
HIST 15B Hist of the American Indian: Western Tribes HIST 1XX Hist of the American Indian: Western Tribes
HIST 17A United States History to 1877 HIST 120 History of the U.S.
HIST 17B The United States HIST 1XX The United States
HIST 18B History of Latin America HIST 1XX History of Latin America
HIST 20 History of Mexico HIST 1XX History of Mexico
HIST 21 Hist of the Mexican American/Chicano HIST 1XX Hist of the Mexican American/Chicano
HIST 35A Chinese History HIST 381 Modern China: Rev & Moderniz
HIST 35B History of China HIST 1XX History of China
HIST 37 History of the Philippines HIST 1XX History of the Philippines
HIST 41A African American History HIST 125 African American History
HIST 41B 20th C African American History HIST 1XX 20th C African American History
HIST 45 LGBT American History HIST 1XX LGBT American History
LBCS 70A Who Built America HIST 1XX Who Built America
LBCS 70B Who Built America HIST 1XX Who Built America

Philosophy (D1)

Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
PHIL 4 Intro Philosophy: Knowledge PHIL 1XX Intro Philosophy: Knowledge
PHIL 25A Ancient Philosophy PHIL 1XX Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 25C Modern Philosophy through Kant PHIL 1XX Modern Philosophy through Kant

Religion (D2)

Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
HUM 7 Comparative Religions THRS 1XX Comparative Religions
HUM 8 Philosophies of Religions THRS 1XX Philosophies of Religions
IDST 4 Ways of Faith THRS 1XX Ways of Faith
IDST 29 Islam: Identity and Culture THRS 1XX Islam: Identity and Culture

Ethics (D3)

Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ACCT 58 Accounting Ethics BUS 1XX Accounting Ethics
ADMJ 220 Ethics and Moral Reasoning in Criminal Justice TRNS 1XX Ethics and Moral Reasoning in Criminal Justice
GNBS 120 Business Ethics & Social Respons. BUS 1XX Business Ethics & Social Respons.
PHIL 2 Intro Philosophy: Morality & Politics PHIL 1XX Intro Philosophy: Morality & Politics

Social & Behavioral Sciences (E)

Social Sciences

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ADMJ 55 Admin of Justice & LGBTQ+ Comm TRNS 1XX Admin of Justice & LGBTQ+ Comm
ADMJ 57 Intro to Admin of Justice TRNS 1XX Intro to Admin of Justice
AFAM 30 African-American Consciousness TRNS 1XX African-American Consciousness
AFAM 40 Black Experience in California TRNS 1XX Black Experience in California
AFAM 42 Origins & History of Race Theory TRNS 1XX Origins & History of Race Theory
AFAM 60 African-American Women in U.S. TRNS 1XX African-American Women in U.S.
AMS 5 Comics, Power and Society TRNS 1XX Comics, Power and Society
ANTH 2 Archaeology and Prehistory ANTH 1XX Archaeology and Prehistory
ANTH 3 Intro Social & Cultural Anthropology SOC 390 Current Issues in Sociology
ANTH 3C Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 200 Introduction to Anthropolgy
ANTH 4 Intro to Linguistic Anthropology ANTH 1XX Intro to Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 8 Magic, Witchcraft and Religion ANTH 1XX Magic, Witchcraft and Religion
ANTH 11 Latin American Cultures and Societies ANTH 1XX Latin American Cultures and Societies
ANTH 12 Indigenous Peoples of North America ANTH 1XX Indigenous Peoples of North America
ANTH 15 Philippine Culture and Society ANTH 1XX Philippine Cult and Society
ANTH 20 Queer Anthropology ANTH 1XX Queer Anthropology
ANTH 25 Culture, Gender, Sexuality ANTH 1XX Culture, Gender, Sexuality
ANTH 50 Anthropology of Cannabis ANTH 1XX Anthropology of Cannabis
ASAM 1 Intro to Asian American Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Asian American Studies
ASAM 8 Filipino American Community TRNS 1XX Filipino American Community
ASAM 23 Asian Americans & American Ideals TRNS 1XX Asian Americans & American Ideals
ASAM 27 Asian American Race Relations TRNS 1XX Asian American Race Relations
ASAM 35 Asian American Women TRNS 1XX Asian American Women
ASAM 40 Chinese American Community TRNS 1XX Chinese American Community
ASAM 42 Southeast Asians in the U.S. TRNS 1XX Southeast Asians in the U.S.
BCST 101 Media Literacy MS 1XX Media Literacy
BCST 103 Mass Media and Society MS 100 Intro to Media Studies
BCST 104 Race and Media MS 1XX Race and Media
BCST 105 Gender and Mass Media MS 1XX Gender and Mass Media
CDEV 53 Child Growth and Development TRNS 1XX Child Growth and Development
CDEV 67 Child, Family, and Community TRNS 1XX Child, Family, and Community
CDEV 97 School Age Growth & Development TRNS 1XX School Age Growth & Development
CMST 5 Intercultural Communication COMS 1XX Intercultural Communication
ECON 1 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 3 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 6 International Economics ECON 1XX International Economics
ECON 15 Political Economy ECON 1XX Political Economy
ECON 20 LGBT Economics ECON 1XX LGBT Economics
ECON 22 Intro to Environmental Economics ECON 1XX Intro to Environmental Economics
ECON 25 Women in the Economy ECON 1XX Women in the Economy
ECON 30 Econ of African American Community ECON 1XX Econ of African American Community
ETHN 37 Introduction to Ethnic Studies TRNS 1XX Introduction to Ethnic Studies
ETHN 45 Pacific Islanders in the US TRNS 1XX Pacific Islanders in the US
GEOG 3 World Regional Geography TRNS 1XX World Regional Geography
GEOG 4 Cultural Geography TRNS 1XX Cultural Geography
GEOG 7 Economic Geography TRNS 1XX Economic Geography
HLTH 52 Critical Perspectives in Global TRNS 1XX Critical Perspectives in Global
HLTH 221 Health and Social Justice TRNS 1XX Health and Social Justice
HLTH 231 Healthy Cities and Communities TRNS 1XX Healthy Cities and Communities
IDST 7 Intro to the United Nations TRNS 1XX Intro to the United Nations
IDST 37 Introduction to Ethnic Studies TRNS 1XX Introduction to Ethnic Studies
IDST 45 Pacific Islanders in the US SOC 228 Asian/Pac Islndr US Soc
LALS 1 The Latinx Experience in US SOC 218 Latinx/Chicanx Cult & Soc
LALS 9 The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience TRNS 1XX The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience
LALS 10 Latinas in the US TRNS 1XX Latinas in the US
LALS 11 Drug Wars in the Americas TRNS 1XX Drug Wars in the Americas
LALS 13 Latin American Social Movement SOC 350 Social Movements
LALS 15 Latin American Workers in America TRNS 1XX Latin American Workers in America
LBCS 15 Latin American Workers in America TRNS 1XX Latin American Workers in America
LBCS 88 California Labor History TRNS 1XX California Labor History
LBCS 96C Labor Relations in the Modern TRNS 1XX Labor Relations in the Modern
LGBT 9 The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience TRNS 1XX The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience
LGBT 10 LGBT Culture & Society TRNS 1XX LGBT Culture & Society
LGBT 50 LGBT Communities of Color TRNS 1XX LGBT Communities of Color
PHST 20 The Filipino Family TRNS 1XX The Filipino Family
PHST 40 Contemp Issues In Filipino Diaspora TRNS 1XX Contemp Issues In Filipino Diaspora
PHST 50 Filipinx LGBTQ+ Identities TRNS 1XX Filipinx LGBTQ+ Identities
POLS 1 American Government POLS 100 or 110 Ideas & Institutions or Change & Conflict
POLS 2 Comparative Government POLS 100 or 110 Ideas & Institutions or Change & Conflict
POLS 3 Political Theory POLS 100 or 110 Ideas & Institutions or Change & Conflict
POLS 4 The Politics of Globalization POLS 100 or 110 Ideas & Institutions or Change & Conflict
POLS 5 International Relations POLS 100 or 110 Ideas & Institutions or Change & Conflict
POLS 18 Govt & Politics of Latin America POLS 1XX Govt & Politics of Latin America
PSYC 1 General Psychology PSYC 101 General Psychology
PSYC 21 Lifespan Development PSYC 1XX Lifespan Development
PSYC 24 Queer Psychology PSYC 1XX Queer Psychology
PSYC 46 Adolescent Psychology PSYC 1XX Adolescent Psychology
SOC 1 Intro to Sociology SOC 150 Intro to Sociology
SOC 2 Social Deviance SOC 355 Deviance and Social Control
SOC 3 Social Problems SOC 226 Social Problems
SOC 25 Sex and Gender in the US SOC 260 Sociology of Gender
SOC 52 Men, Masculinity, and Society SOC 1XX Men, Masculinity, and Society
SOC 55 Intro to Cannabis Studies SOC 1XX Intro to Cannabis Studies
WGST 35 Intro to Masculinity Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Masculinity Studies
WGST 54 Politics of Sexual Violence TRNS 1XX Politics of Sexual Violence

Visual & Performing Arts (F)

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
AFAM 55 From Funk to Hip Hop MUS 1XX From Funk to Hip Hop
ARCH 31A History of Architecture I ARCD 1XX History of Architecture I
ARCH 31B History of Architecture II ARCD 1XX History of Architecture II
ART 101 Western Art History I ART 101 Survey/ Western Art History 1
ART 102 Western Art History II ART 102 Survey/ Western Art History 2
ART 103 History of Modern Art ART 1XX History of Modern Art
ART 104 Asian Art History ART 1XX Asian Art History
ART 105 Ancient Art/Arch Latin America ART 1XX Ancient Art/Arch Latin America
ART 106 Latin American Art History ART 1XX Latin American Art History
ART 107 African-American Art History ART 1XX African-American Art History
ART 108 Women Through Art History ART 1XX Women Through Art History
ART 109 History of Contemporary Art ART 1XX History of Contemporary Art
ART 114 Arts of Africa, Oceania, & Indigenous North Amer ART 1XX Arts of Africa, Oceania, & Indigenous North Amer
ART 118 American Art ART 1XX American Art
ART 122A Russian Art at the Legion ART 1XX Russian Art at the Legion
ART 123Q Baroque Masters of Light ART 1XX Baroque Masters of Light
ART 123U 18th Century French Art ART 1XX 18th Century French Art
ART 123V Renaissance Art at the Legion ART 1XX Renaissance Art at the Legion
ART 123W 19th Century Painting ART 1XX 19th Century Painting
ASAM 30 Asian American Issues Through Film MS 1XX Asian American Issues Through Film
CINE 18 American Cinema MS 1XX American Cinema
CINE 19 Intro to Doc Film Studies MS 1XX Intro to Doc Film Studies
CINE 20A Int'l Film Hist: 1880s-1930s MS 1XX Int'l Film Hist: 1880s-1930s
CINE 20B Int'l Film Hist: 1930s-1960s MS 1XX Int'l Film Hist: 1930s-1960s
CINE 20C Int'l Film Hist: 1960s-Present MS 1XX Int'l Film Hist: 1960s-Present
CINE 21 Introduction to Film Studies MS 102 Introduction to Media Studies
CINE 22 The Documentary Tradition MS 1XX The Documentary Tradition
CINE 23A Films of Alfred Hitchcock MS 1XX Films of Alfred Hitchcock
CINE 23B Focus on Film Noir MS 1XX Focus on Film Noir
CINE 23C Cult Cinema MS 1XX Cult Cinema
DANC 30 Dance History DANC 1XX Dance History
FASH 23 Fashion History TRNS 1XX Fashion History
LALS 14 Diego Rivera: Art and Social Change TRNS 1XX Diego Rivera: Art and Social Change
LGBT 11 Film Expression: History of Queer Film TRNS 1XX Film Expression: History of Queer Film
LGBT 12 Contemporary LGBTQ Film TRNS 1XX Contemporary LGBTQ Film
LGBT 20 LGBT U.S. Art and Culture TRNS 1XX LGBT U.S. Art and Culture
LGBT 55 Contemporary Global Art & Culture TRNS 1XX Contemporary Global Art & Culture
LGBT 75 Queer Cinema in the 1970s TRNS 1XX Queer Cinema in the 1970s
MUS 21 Traditional African Music MUS 1XX Traditional African Music
MUS 22A Medieval & Renaissance Music MUS 1XX Medieval & Renaissance Music
MUS 22B Baroque and Classical Music MUS 1XX Baroque and Classical Music
MUS 22C Romanticism MUS 1XX Romanticism
MUS 23 History of Jazz: Musical Traditions MUS 202 Jazz/Culture/Soc Justice
MUS 24 Music of East Asia MUS 1XX Music of East Asia
MUS 25 Music of Latin America & Caribbean MUS 1XX Music of Latin America & Caribbean
MUS 26 Music in American Culture MUS 1XX Music in American Culture
MUS 27A Music Appreciation MUS 101 Western Classical Music Survey
MUS 27B Survey of Opera and Musical Theater MUS 1XX Survey of Opera and Musical Theater
MUS 27Q Music and Queer Identity MUS 1XX Music and Queer Identity
MUS 27R History of Rock and Popular Music MUS 1XX History of Rock and Popular Music
MUS 28 20th Century Music MUS 1XX 20th Century Music
PHOT 40 Photography as Activism TRNS 1XX Photography as Activism
PHOT 50A History & Aesthetics Pre-1945 TRNS 1XX History & Aesthetics Pre-1945
PHOT 50B History & Aesthetics since 1945 TRNS 1XX History & Aesthetics since 1945
PHST 42 Intro to Philippine Arts TRNS 1XX Intro to Philippine Arts
TH A 30 Introduction to Theatre THTR 1XX Introduction to Theatre
TH A 31 Survey of Classical Drama THTR 1XX Survey of Classical Drama
TH A 32 Survey of Modern Drama THTR 1XX Survey of Modern Drama
TH A 33 Survey of the Art of Comedy THTR 1XX Survey of the Art of Comedy
VMD 110 History of Graphic Design TRNS 1XX History of Graphic Design
WGST 10 Women and Film MS 1XX Women and Film

Cultural Diversity (CD)

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
AFAM 30 African-American Consciousness TRNS 1XX African-American Consciousness
AFAM 40 Black Experience in California TRNS 1XX Black Experience in California
AFAM 42 Origins & History of Race Theory TRNS 1XX Origins & History of Race Theory
AFAM 55 From Funk to Hip Hop MUS 1XX From Funk to Hip Hop
AFAM 60 African-American Women in U.S. TRNS 1XX African-American Women in U.S.
ANTH 3C Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 200 Introduction to Anthropolgy
ANTH 4 Intro to Linguistic Anthropology ANTH 1XX Intro to Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 8 Magic, Witchcraft and Religion ANTH 1XX Magic, Witchcraft and Religion
ANTH 11 Latin American Cultures and Societies ANTH 1XX Latin American Cultures and Societies
ANTH 12 Indigenous Peoples of North America ANTH 1XX Indigenous Peoples of North America
ANTH 15 Philippine Culture and Society ANTH 1XX Philippine Cult and Society
ANTH 20 Queer Anthropology ANTH 1XX Queer Anthropology
ANTH 25 Culture, Gender, Sexuality ANTH 1XX Culture, Gender, Sexuality
ART 105 Ancient Art/Arch Latin America ART 1XX Ancient Art/Arch Latin America
ART 106 Latin American Art History ART 1XX Latin American Art History
ART 107 African-American Art History ART 1XX African-American Art History
ART 114 Arts of Africa, Oceania, & Indigenous North Amer ART 1XX Arts of Africa, Oceania, & Indigenous North Amer
ASAM 1 Intro to Asian American Studies TRNS 1XX Intro to Asian American Studies
ASAM 6 Asian American Issues thru Lit ENGL 211 Asian American Lit Survey
ASAM 8 Filipino American Community TRNS 1XX Filipino American Community
ASAM 10 Asian American Popular Culture TRNS 1XX Asian American Popular Culture
ASAM 20 Asian American Experience Since 1820 TRNS 1XX Asian American Experience Since 1820
ASAM 23 Asian Americans & American Ideals TRNS 1XX Asian Americans & American Ideals
ASAM 27 Asian American Race Relations TRNS 1XX Asian American Race Relations
ASAM 30 Asian American Issues Through Film MS 1XX Asian American Issues Through Film
ASAM 35 Asian American Women TRNS 1XX Asian American Women
ASAM 40 Chinese American Community TRNS 1XX Chinese American Community
ASAM 42 Southeast Asians in the U.S. TRNS 1XX Southeast Asians in the U.S.
ASIA 15 Asian Societies & Cultures TRNS 1XX Asian Societies & Cultures
BCST 104 Race and Media MS 1XX Race and Media
CDEV 93 Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood TRNS 1XX Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood
CHIN 33 Chinese Culture for Heritage Learners CHIN 1XX Chinese Culture for Heritage Learners
CMST 5 Intercultural Communication COMS 1XX Intercultural Communication
ECON 20 LGBT Economics ECON 1XX LGBT Economics
ECON 30 Econ of African American Community ECON 1XX Econ of African American Community
ENGL 55 Queer Literature ENGL 230 Lit, Gender & Sexualities
ENGL 57 Survey of Women's Literature ENGL 208 Survey of Women's Literature I
ENGL 58 Contemporary Women's Writing ENGL 209 Survey of Women's Lit II
ETHN 37 Introduction to Ethnic Studies TRNS 1XX Introduction to Ethnic Studies
ETHN 45 Pacific Islanders in the US TRNS 1XX Pacific Islanders in the US
GEOG 4 Cultural Geography TRNS 1XX Cultural Geography
HIST 9 Immigrants in U.S. History HIST 1XX Immigrants in U.S. History
HIST 12A US Women's History HIST 1XX US Women's History
HIST 15A Hist of the American Indian: Eastern Tribes HIST 1XX Hist of the American Indian: Eastern Tribes
HIST 15B Hist of the American Indian: Western Tribes HIST 1XX Hist of the American Indian: Western Tribes
HIST 18B History of Latin America HIST 1XX History of Latin America
HIST 20 History of Mexico HIST 1XX History of Mexico
HIST 21 Hist of the Mexican American/Chicano HIST 1XX Hist of the Mexican American/Chicano
HIST 35A Chinese History HIST 381 Modern China: Rev & Moderniz
HIST 37 History of the Philippines HIST 1XX History of the Philippines
HIST 41B 20th C African American History HIST 1XX 20th C African American History
HIST 45 LGBT American History HIST 1XX LGBT American History
HUM 25 Women in the Arts TRNS 1XX Women in the Arts
HUM 48 African-American Music, Art & Lit TRNS 1XX African-American Music, Art & Lit
IDST 27B Asian Humanities TRNS 1XX Asian Humanities
IDST 30 Demystifying the Middle East TRNS 1XX Demystifying the Middle East
IDST 31 Women and Gender in the Middle East TRNS 1XX Women and Gender in the Middle East
IDST 37 Introduction to Ethnic Studies TRNS 1XX Introduction to Ethnic Studies
IDST 45 Pacific Islanders in the US SOC 228 Asian/Pac Islndr US Soc
IDST 46 Fa'a Pasefika: Interdisciplinary TRNS 1XX Fa'a Pasefika: Interdisciplinary
JAPA 39 Japanese Culture and Civilization JAPN 1XX Japanese Culture and Civilization
LALS 1 The Latinx Experience in US SOC 218 Latinx/Chicanx Cult & Soc
LALS 2 Critical Thinking in Latinx Studies TRNS 1XX Critical Thinking in Latinx Studies
LALS 9 The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience TRNS 1XX The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience
LALS 10 Latinas in the US TRNS 1XX Latinas in the US
LGBT 9 The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience TRNS 1XX The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience
LGBT 10 LGBT Culture & Society TRNS 1XX LGBT Culture & Society
LGBT 15 From Greece to Stonewall TRNS 1XX From Greece to Stonewall
LGBT 18 Transgender Lives, Culture, Art TRNS 1XX Transgender Lives, Culture, Art
LGBT 20 LGBT U.S. Art and Culture TRNS 1XX LGBT U.S. Art and Culture
LGBT 21 Intimacy and Relationships TRNS 1XX Intimacy and Relationships
LGBT 24 Male Intimacy and Relationships TRNS 1XX Male Intimacy and Relationships
LGBT 50 LGBT Communities of Color TRNS 1XX LGBT Communities of Color
LGBT 55 Contemporary Global Art & Culture TRNS 1XX Contemporary Global Art & Culture
LGBT 75 Queer Cinema in the 1970s TRNS 1XX Queer Cinema in the 1970s
MUS 21 Traditional African Music MUS 1XX LGBT Communities of Color
MUS 23 History of Jazz: Musical Traditions MUS 202 Jazz/Culture/Soc Justice
MUS 24 Music of East Asia MUS 1XX Music of East Asia
MUS 25 Music of Latin America & Caribbean MUS 1XX Music of Latin America & Caribbean
MUS 27Q Music and Queer Identity MUS 1XX Music and Queer Identity
PHST 20 The Filipino Family TRNS 1XX The Filipino Family
PHST 30 Philippine Society & Culture TRNS 1XX Philippine Society & Culture
PHST 40 Contemp Issues In Filipino Diaspora TRNS 1XX Contemp Issues In Filipino Diaspora
PHST 42 Intro to Philippine Arts TRNS 1XX Intro to Philippine Arts
PHST 50 Filipinx LGBTQ+ Identities TRNS 1XX Filipinx LGBTQ+ Identities
PSYC 24 Queer Psychology PSYC 1XX Queer Psychology
SOC 25 Sex and Gender In the US SOC 260 Sociology of Gender
SOC 35 Sex Marriage and Family SOC 229 Diversity/Amer Families

Community Engaged Learning

Must be completed at USF
Community-Engaged Learning requirement may be met by completing course sections designated as “CEL”. The Community-Engaged Learning requirement should guide students to develop civic competencies while addressing some issue of the public good.

Common Course Equivalencies

Course/Number Course Title Course/Number Course Title
ACCT 1 Financial Accounting BUS 201 Principles of Financial Acct
ACCT 2 Managerial Accounting BUS 202 Principles of Managerial Acct
AMSL 1A Elementary Sign Language ASL 101 First Semester ASL
AMSL 1B Elementary Sign Language ASL 102 Second Semester ASL
AMSL 2A Cont of Elementary American Sign Lang ASL 201 Third Semester ASL
ANTH 3 Intro Social & Cultural Anthropology SOC 390 Current Issues in Sociology
ANTH 3C Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 200 Introduction to Anthropology
ARCH 20 Architectural Graphics I ARCH 150 Architectonics I
ARCH 100 Intro to Architecture & Design ARCH 100 Intro to Arch & Comm Des
ARCH 101 Architecture Design Studio I ARCH 110 Architecture Studio I
ARCH 102 Architecture Design Studio II ARCH 120 Architecture Studio II
ARCH 120 Fund of Building Construction ARCH 240 Materials and Methods of Arch.
ARCH 214 AutoCAD I ARCH 250 CADD 1
ART 101 Western Art History I ART 101 Survey/ Western Art History 1
ART 102 Western Art History II ART 102 Survey/ Western Art History 2
ART 130A Basic Drawing ART 130 Drawing I
ASAM 6 Asian American Issues thru Lit ENGL 211 Asian American Lit Survey
BCST 100 Intro to Electronic Media MS 222 Video Production
BCST 103 Mass Media and Society MS 100 Intro to Media Studies
BIO 11 Sci of Living Organisms BIOL 105 & 105L General Biology I & Lab
BIO 100A General Biology BIOL 105 & 105L General Biology I & Lab
BIO 100B General Biology BIOL 106 & 106L General Biology II & Lab
BIO 108 General Human Anatomy BIOL 113 & 114 Human Anatomy & Lab
BIO 112 Intro to Human Physiology BIOL 115 & 116 Human Physiology & Lab
BIO 120 Introduction to Microbiology BIOL 134 & 135 Microbiology & Lab
BSL 1 Business Law I BUS 301 Business Law
BSL 2 Business Law 2 BUS 301 Business Law
CHEM 101A General College Chemistry CHEM 111 & 112 General Chemistry I & Lab
CHEM 101B General College Chemistry CHEM 113 & 114 General Chemistry II & Lab
CHEM 212A Organic Chemistry CHEM 230 & 232 Organic Chemistry I & Lab
CHEM 212B Organic Chemistry CHEM 231 & 234 Organic Chemistry II & Lab
CHIN 1 Elementary Chinese CHIN 101 First Semester Chinese
CHIN 1A & 1B Elementary Chinese CHIN 101 First Semester Chinese
CHIN 2 Cont of Elementary Chinese CHIN 102 Second Semester Chinese
CHIN 2A & 2B Cont of Elementary Chinese CHIN 102 Second Semester Chinese
CHIN 3 Intermediate Chinese CHIN 201 Third Semester Chinese
CHIN 3A & 3B Intermediate Chinese CHIN 201 Third Semester Chinese
CHIN 4 Cont of Intermediate Chinese CHIN 202 Fourth Semester Chinese
CHIN 4A & 4B Cont of Intermediate Chinese CHIN 202 Fourth Semester Chinese
CINE 21 Introduction to Film Studies MS 102 Introduction to Media Studies
CLW 18 Commercial Law BUS 301 Business Law
CMST 1A Elements of Public Speaking RHET 103 Public Speaking
CMST 3 Argumentation and Debate RHET 103 Public Speaking
CMST 12 Fundamentals of Oral Communication RHET 103 Public Speaking
CMST 20 Interpersonal Communication COMS 203 Communication & Everyday Life
CMST 38 Forensics Competition RHET 103 Public Speaking
COMM C1000 Introduction to Public Speaking RHET 103 Public Speaking
CS 110A Intro to Programming CS 110 Intro to Computer Science I
CS 110B Programming Fundamentals: C++ CS 112 Intro to Computer Science II
CS 111A Intro to Programming: Java CS 110 Intro to Computer Science I
CS 111B Programming Fundamentals: Java CS 110 or 112 Intro to Computer Science I or II
CS 111C Data Structures and Algorithms CS 245 Data Struct & Algorithms
CS 131A Python Programming CS 110 Intro to Computer Science I
CS 212 iPhone Programming CS 110 Intro to Computer Science I
ECON 1 Princ of Macroeconomics ECON 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 3 Princ of Microeconomics ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 5 Introductory Statistics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
ECON 5 & MABS 101 Introductory Statistics & Microsoft Excel MATH 106 Business Statistics
ENGL 30A American Lit, Beginnings-Civil ENGL 320 Literature 2
ENGL 30B American Lit, 1865-Present ENGL 330 Literature 3
ENGL 35A Intro to Writing Fiction ENGL 361 Intro to Writing Fiction
ENGL 35B Intermediate Fiction Writing ENGL 361 Intro to Writing Fiction
ENGL 35C Introduction to Writing Poetry ENGL 362 Intro to Writing Poetry
ENGL 35D Intermediate Poetry Writing ENGL 362 Intro to Writing Poetry
ENGL 35G Intro to Writing Creative Nonfiction ENGL 360 Intro to Writing Non-Fiction
ENGL 35H Intermediate Creative Nonfiction ENGL 360 Intro to Writing Non-Fiction
ENGL 52 Shakespeare ENGL 340 Shakespeare
ENGL 55 Queer Literature ENGL 230 Lit, Gender & Sexualities
ENGL 57 Survey of Women's Literature ENGL 208 Survey of Women's Literature I
ENGL 58 Contemporary Women's Writing ENGL 209 Survey of Women's Lit II
ENVS 31 & 31L Intro to Environmental Science & Lab ENVS 110 & 110L Intro to Environmental Science & Lab
FREN 1 Elementary French FREN 101 First Semester French
FREN 1A & 1B Elementary French FREN 101 First Semester French
FREN 2 Cont. of Elementary French FREN 102 Second Semester French
FREN 2A & 2B Cont. of Elementary French FREN 102 Second Semester French
FREN 3 Intermediate French FREN 201 Third Semester French
FREN 3A & 3B Intermediate French FREN 201 Third Semester French
FREN 4 Cont. of Intermediate French FREN 202 Fourth Semester French
GERM 1A & 1B Elementary German GERM 101 First Semester German
GNBS 119 Introduction to Business BUS 100 Launch into Business
HIST 4A Western Civilization HIST 110 European Civilization
HIST 5 Europe Since 1900 HIST 115 European/U.S. History
HIST 12B US Women's History HIST 127 Women in US History
HIST 17A United States History to 1877 HIST 120 History of the U.S.
HIST 18A The Colonial History of Latin America HIST 370 Colonial Latin America
HIST 35A Chinese History HIST 381 Modern China: Rev & Moderniz
HIST 41A African American History HIST 125 African American History
HIST 49 History of San Francisco HIST 259 Civ. Rights Mov't Hist/Film
IDST 17 Human Sexuality SOC 347 Sex and Sexualities
IDST 45 Pacific Islanders in the US SOC 228 Asian/Pac Islndr US Soc
ITAL 1 Elementary Italian ITAL 101 First Semester Italian
ITAL 1A & 1B Elementary Italian ITAL 101 First Semester Italian
ITAL 2 Continuation of Elem Italian ITAL 102 Second Semester Italian
ITAL 2A & 2B Continuation of Elem Italian ITAL 102 Second Semester Italian
JAPA 1 Elementary Japanese JAPN 101 First Semester Japanese
JAPA 1A & 1B Elementary Japanese JAPN 101 First Semester Japanese
JAPA 2 Continuation of Elem Japanese JAPN 102 Second Semester Japanese
JAPA 2A & 2B Continuation of Elem Japanese JAPN 102 Second Semester Japanese
JAPA 3 Intermediate Japanese JAPN 201 Third Semester Japanese
JAPA 3A & 3B Intermediate Japanese JAPN 201 Third Semester Japanese
JAPA 4 Continuation of Inter Japanese JAPN 202 Fourth Semester Japanese
JAPA 4A & 4B Continuation of Inter Japanese JAPN 202 Fourth Semester Japanese
LALS 1 The Latinx Experience in US SOC 218 Latinx/Chicanx Cult & Soc
LALS 5 Intro to Statistical Methods MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
LALS 13 Latin American Social Movement SOC 350 Social Movements
LGBT 5 Intro Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay & Trans Stds SOC 347 Sex and Sexualities
MATH 80 Probability and Statistics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
MATH + MABS 80 + 101 Probability and Statistics & Microsoft Excel MATH 106 Business Statistics
MATH 90 Precalculus Algebra MATH 108 Precalculus
MATH 98 Precalculus & Trigonometry MATH 108 Precalculus
MATH 100A Short Calculus I MATH 109 Calculus & Analytic Geom I
MATH 110A Calculus I MATH 109 Calculus & Analytic Geom I
MATH 110B Calculus II MATH 110 Calculus & Analytic Geom II
MATH 110C Calculus III MATH 211 Calculus & Analytic Geom III
MATH 115 Discrete Mathematics MATH 201 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 130 Linear Algebra & Diff Equation MATH 202 Linear Algebra & Probability
MUS 23 History of Jazz: Musical Traditions MUS 202 History of Jazz
MUS 27A Music Appreciation MUS 101 Western Classical Music Survey
PE 13 Sports in Society SOC 324 Sport, Culture & Society
PHYC 2A & 2AL Introductory Physics I & Laboratory PHYS 100 & 100L Introductory Physics I & Laboratory
PHYC 2B & 2BL Introductory Physics II & Laboratory PHYS 101 & 101L Introductory Physics II & Laboratory
POLS 1 American Government POLS 100 or 110 Change and Conflict or Change and Conflict
POLS 2 Comparative Government POLS 100 or 110 Change and Conflict or Change and Conflict
POLS 3 Political Theory POLS 100 or 110 Change and Conflict or Change and Conflict
POLS 4 The Politics of Globalization POLS 100 or 110 Change and Conflict or Change and Conflict
POLS 5 International Relations POLS 100 or 110 Change and Conflict or Change and Conflict
POLS 12 Ethnic Politics in the US POLS 210 Immigration and Citizenship
POLS 15 Intro to Public Policy POLS 218 Public Policy & Administration
POLS 19 Gender Politics and Policy POLS 329 Women & American Politics
POLS 22 Environmental Politics and Policy POLS 366 Intro to Environmental Policy
POLS 43 The Constitution & Individual Rights POLS 339 Free Expression/ Constitution
POLS 45 Government and Politics of the Middle East POLS 349 Govt/Pols of the Middle East
PSYC 1 General Psychology PSYC 101 General Psychology
PSYC 1B Biological Psychology PSYC 270 Biological Psychology
PSYC 2 Research Methods PSYC 265 Research Design
PSYC 5 Stats for Behavioral Sciences PSYC 260 Psychological Statistics
PSYC 10 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 313 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 11 Theories of Personalities PSYC 318 Theories of Personalities
PSYC 23 Psych of Race & Ethnic Relations PSYC 305 Multicultural Psychology
PSYC 25 Psychology of Gender PSYC 335 Psychology of Gender
PSYC 26 Applied Psychology PSYC 310 Social Psychology
PSYC 32 Social Psychology PSYC 310 or SOC 321 Social Psychology
PSYC 40 Child & Adolescent Psychology PSYC 312 Child Development
RUSS 1A & 1B Elementary Russian RUSS 101 First Semester Russian
SOC 1 Intro to Sociology SOC 150 Intro to Sociology
SOC 2 Social Deviance SOC 355 Deviance and Social Control
SOC 3 Social Problems SOC 226 Social Problems
SOC 21 Introduction to Research Methods SOC 308 Research Methods
SOC 25 Sex and Gender In the US SOC 260 Sociology of Gender
SOC 35 Sex Marriage and Family SOC 229 Diversity/Amer Families
SPAN 1 Elementary Spanish SPAN 101 First Semester Spanish
SPAN 2 Continuation of Elementary Spanish SPAN 102 Second Semester Spanish
SPAN 3 Intermediate Spanish SPAN 201 Third Semester Spanish
SPAN 6 Continuation of Intermediate Spanish SPAN 202 Fourth Semester Spanish
STAT C1000 Introduction to Statistics MATH 101 Elementary Statistics
VMD 105 Visual Media Digital Skills ART 240 Art + Arch Lecture Series
VMD 150 Illustrator I ART 140 Design Fundamentals
VMD 152 InDesign I ART 155 Visual Communication
VMD 154 Photoshop I ART 155 Visual Communication
WGST 25 Intro to Women's & Gender Studies SOC 345 Feminism and the Body

Transfer Admission

Lone Mountain Main 251
2800 Turk Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118

Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Call (415) 422-6563
Text (415) 636-6272