Marcianna Nosek
As a tenured Professor, Dr. Nosek teaches the maternity and epidemiology courses for the MSN program, and health behavior theory and communication, maternal child health elective, and applied practice experience courses for the MPH program. Previously, she has taught cultural & linguistic preparation for healthcare, nursing research, introduction to public health, and immersion courses to Colombia and Cuba.
Her research involves both quantitative and qualitative methodologies spanning broadly but carries a thread of focus on marginalized persons, or with the aim of enhancing moral, ethical, and empathic qualities of nursing and MPH students learning to care for complex patients or challenging populations. She is interested in community-based research working in partnership with NGOs both domestically and globally. Current projects include the launch of a mobile application for electronic charting for a home-based nursing program serving high risk postpartum women and infants in Malawi, and analyzing the experiences of those who have given birth during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Phenomenology
- Maternal child health
- Community health
- Nonviolent communication
Research Areas
- Community based participatory
- Perinatal/global health
- Empathy/emotional intelligence
- Phronesis
- Former SONHP Faculty Representative, USFFA Policy Board
- Former Chair, SONHP Peer Review Committee
- Former Co-Director, MPH Program
- UC San Francisco, PhD in Nursing, 2007
- UC San Francisco, MS & Certified Nurse Midwife, 2004
- UC Berkeley, MPH, Specialty Areas of Maternal/Child & International Health, 2002
- CSU Monterey Bay, BA in Integrated Studies/International Health, 2000
- Cabrillo College, ASN, Registered Nurse, 1990
Prior Experience
- Volunteer as Women’s Health Clinician, Women’s Community Clinic, San Francisco CA
- Registered Nurse on Maternity Care Unit, Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital, Salinas CA
- Fellowship as Certified Nurse Midwife, San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco CA
Awards & Distinctions
- University of San Francisco Jesuit Grant, African Mothers Health Initiative (AMHI)/Joyful Motherhood (JM) Piloting of Mobile App for Electronic Health Records & Program Evaluation (2021)
- EuroQol Research Foundation, Health-Related Quality-of-life of the Pregnant and Postpartum Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Phase I) (2021)
- 65th American College of Nurse Midwives Annual Meeting, Best Global Research Award (2020)
- University of San Francisco School of Nursing and Health Professions Teaching Effectiveness Award (2012)
Selected Publications
- Nosek, M. & Meade, V. (2022). “Holding the space:” A phenomenological exploration of mindfulness-based practice in veterans who have experienced past trauma. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health [Accepted for publication].
- Regan, A.K., Kaur, R., Nosek, M., Swathi, P.A., Gu, N.Y. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and coverage among pregnant persons in the United States, Preventive Medicine Reports, 29, 101977.
- Nosek, M., Stillman, J., & Whelan, Z. (2019). Youth experiences of parent incarceration: Doing time from both sides. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 57(6), 22-29. [Offered for CNE units].
- Nosek, M., & Durán, M. (2017). Enhancing empathy & conflict resolution skills through Nonviolent Communication (NVC) training in Latino adults and youth. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 11(3). 275-283.
- Nosek, M. (2015). A cross sectional exploration of emotional intelligence in US baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(11), 29-41.
- Nosek, M., Gifford, L., & Kober, B. (2014). Nonviolent Communication training increases empathy in baccalaureate nursing students: A mixed method study. Journal of Nursing Education & Practice, 4(10), 1-15.
- Marlow, E., Nosek, M., Lee, Y., Young, E., Bautista, A., & Hansen, F. (2014). Nurses, formerly incarcerated adults, and Gadamer: Phronesis and the Socratic dialectic. Nursing Philosophy. 16(1), 19-28.
- Nosek, M., Marlow, E., Young, E., & Lee, Y. (2014). Transformative wonder: An ex-con talking about Heidegger to a class of graduate students. Academic Quarter, 9(12), 348-362.
- Nosek, M., Gifford, L., & Kober, B. (2014). Nonviolent Communication training increases empathy in baccalaureate nursing students: A mixed method study. Journal of Nursing Education & Practice, 4(10), 1-15.
- Marlow, E., Nosek, M., Lee, Y., Young, E., Bautista, A., & Hansen, F. (2014). Nurses, formerly incarcerated adults, and Gadamer: Phronesis and the Socratic dialectic. Nursing Philosophy. [Epub ahead of print]
- Nosek, M. (2012). Nonviolent Communication: A dialogical retrieval of the ethic of authenticity. Nursing Ethics, 19(6).
- Wertz, M., Nosek, M., McNiesh, S. & Marlow, E. (2011). The composite first person narrative: Texture, structure, and meaning in writing phenomenological descriptions. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being, 6, 5882.
- Nosek, M., Kennedy, H.P., Gudmundsdottir, M. Silence, stigma and shame: A postmodern analysis of distress during menopause (2010). Advances in Nursing Science, (33) 3, E24–E36.