Jerome Stewart headshot

Oscar Jerome Stewart

Assistant Professor

Full-Time Faculty


Oscar Jerome Stewart is an Assistant Professor of Management in USF’s School of Management. Professor Stewart considers himself a critical management scholar and is concerned with power within organizations and power of organizations, and how to create more equitable and cooperative power structures that bind members together in a beneficent mutuality. Currently, he is working on projects on corporate misconduct, discrimination in higher education, and critical business pedagogy. Outside of his scholarly identity, he loves to rehabilitate troubled dogs and can be seen traversing the East Bay with his two dogs, Sho Nuff the Shogun and Assata Shakur. Lately, he has also taken to bouldering (indoors), as a way to push himself in new ways. When he is too tired to hike or boulder, a good book is the next best thing.


  • Critical theory
  • Qualitative methods
  • Diversity & inclusion

Research Areas

  • Critical management
  • Equity, diversity, & inclusion
  • Corporate misconduct


  • Co-Lead, Racial and Social Justice in the Business Community Impact Area, 2023-Present
  • President, Management Faculty of Color Association, 2024
  • Vice President, Management Faculty of Color Association, 2022-2024
  • Director, Dr. Shawn Long Organizational Science Institute at UNC Charlotte, 2021 - 2024


  • UNC Charlotte, PhD in Organizational Science, 2016
  • University of Minnesota, BA in Finance and African American Studies

Prior Experience

  • Assistant Professor of Management, College of Charleston
  • Assistant Professor of Management, San Francisco State University

Awards & Distinctions

  • SOM Full-time Faculty Outstanding Citizenship Award, 2024
  • USF Ignatian Colleagues Program Fellow, 2024-2025
  • Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award for the Journal of Management Education, 2024

Selected Publications

  • Rice, D., Stewart, O., Jones-Young, N. & Melaku, T. Enough is Enough: Identifying and Overcoming Acts of Anti-Black Performative Allyship in the Peer-Review Process. Organization.
  • Rabelo, V. C., Stewart, O. J., Snowden, W. C., & Fathallah, S. (2024). When Safety for You Means Danger for Me: The Racial Politics of Carceral Public Safety Discourse. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Foster, A., Wissman, N., Bray, L. A., DeBoer, J., Ergene, S., Stewart, O. J., & Dunham, I. M. (2024). Rising to the Challenge: Embedding Environmental Justice in Management and Organization Studies. Organization & Environment, 37(2), 159-193. 
  • Woznyj, H., Stewart, O., & Beck, T.E. (2023). Stronger Together: Building Nonprofit Resilience through a Network with a Shared Mission and Organizational Humility. Nonprofit Management and Leadership.
  • Herbert Walker, D., Rabelo, V., Stewart, O., & Herbert, D. (2023). Social determinants of mental health among business students: The roles of traumatic events, financial strain, housing instability, food insecurity, and commute time. Journal of American College Health.