MBA for Executives Graduate Receives ICA Inner City Leadership Award
In 2010, the USF MBAE program provided two teams of student consultants — working on their capstone projects — as volunteers to ICA’s mission. One team provided strategic and tactical support to BTTR Ventures and the second team provided strategic analysis to scale ICA’s quality service delivery to San Francisco’s inner city communities.
ICA started over ten years ago in Oakland, California, as an affiliate of the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) – a national, non-profit organization that promotes the competitive advantages and social impact of doing business in the inner city. ICA’s mission is to build sustainable and responsible inner city businesses that create quality jobs, reinvest in the community and contribute to the local economy.
ICA provides a model for growing businesses and building communities by offering strategic advice, practical entrepreneurial education and access to key networks, resources, and capital that launch businesses to success.
(BTTR) Back to the Roots was founded in 2009 by Alejandro Velez and Nikhil Arora as a 100% sustainable urban mushroom farm. Since, Back to the Roots has transformed into a unique company focused on bringing sustainable grow-at-home products into households across the country!