Global Perspective

Professor Xiaohe Lu Visits University of San Francisco

by Zhehan Jiang



University of San Francisco School of Management hosted a prominent Chinese scholar, Professor Xiaohe Lu, from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences for two months from February 29 to April 30 as part of the school’s Globalization of Chinese Business program.

Professor Lu is the executive director of Center for Business Ethics, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. She is the author of over 70 articles on business ethics and the author or editor of four series and 23 books. Professor Lu had been a visiting scholar at University of Notre Dame, University of St Thomas among others prior to the visit at University of San Francisco. 
Her main goals for this visit included doing a comparative study of business ethics in China and the US and exploring opportunity to collaborate with Professor Xiaohua Yang (who coordinated and hosted her visit). 


Apart from conducting research, she was also a guest speaker in Professor Xiaohua Yang’s MBA 6414 Managing Across Cultures class. She shared her perspective on Chinese cultural values and helped students understand the cultural influence on Chinese management.

On April 11, 2012, Professor Lu joined Professor Marvin Brown and Professor  Karl Boedecker in a panel discussion titled “Myth or Reality? China’s Unskilled Labor Shortage Crisis, Ethical Challenges, and Rise of Multinationals” organized and moderated by Professor Xiaohua Yang.Professor Lu provided tremendous insights on emerging ethical issues in China, and together with Professor 

Professor Lu visited Pacific Rim Center, Ricci Institute, Lane Center and Loyola House and met many faculty members during her two month visit.  Professor Lu’s visit was concluded with a reception held in her honor and hosted by the school’s Associate Dean Tom Grossman on April 25, 2012.