Ilaria Giglioli

Ilaria Giglioli

Assistant Professor

Full-Time Faculty
Kalmanovitz Hall 233


*On leave until Fall 2025*

Ilaria Giglioli is a scholar of migration, borders and racialization. A human geographer by training, she studies the creation, legitimization and contestation of borders, with a comparative focus in the Mediterranean and US southern border. In particular, she studies the social, political and economic processes that generate support for border fortification, as well as social movements that contest it. She also studies the relationship between border fortification, territorial inequality, and the production of social difference along lines of race, religion and nationality. Prior to her work on borders, she has also conducted research on the politics of water infrastructure development in the Mediterranean region.

Research Areas

  • Migration and borders
  • Colonialism
  • MENA
  • The Americas
  • Europe


  • Academic Director, Master of Arts in Migration Studies


  • University of California Berkeley, PhD in Geography, 2018
  • University of Toronto, MA in Geography, 2010
  • University of Oxford, BA in Geography, 2006

Prior Experience

  • Assistant Professor of Geography and International Studies, New College of Florida

Selected Publications

  • Kutz, W. & Giglioli, I. (2021) Pour une Géopolitique Extrospective du Développement Urbain: Malaga et Mazara del Vallo, la Coopération Transfrontalière par le Pragmatisme Territorial. (For an Extrospective Geopolitics of Urban Development: Malaga and Mazara del Vallo, Cross-Border Cooperation through Territorial Pragmatism) L’Espace Politique 43(2).
  • Giglioli, I. (2021) A World of Walls? Unmaking Borders through Comparative Pedagogies. Comparative Ethnic Studies 6(2).
  • Giglioli, I. (2021) On not Being European Enough. Migration, Crisis and Precarious Livelihoods on the Periphery of Europe. Social and Cultural Geography. 22(5), 725-744.
  • Giglioli, I. (2017) From 'A Frontier Land' to 'A Piece of North Africa in Italy': The Changing Politics of 'Tunisianness' in Mazara del Vallo, Sicily. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 41(5), 749–766.
  • Giglioli, I. (2017) Producing Sicily as Europe. Migration, Colonialism and the Making of the Mediterranean Border between Italy and Tunisia. Geopolitics 22(2), 407-428.