Global Feminist Forum
Join us annually for a multicultural and interdisciplinary forum for educating members of our global communities. The Global Feminist Forum (GFF) joins the celebrations and legacies of resistance centered on March 8th, International Women’s Day. The focus is global women’s rights, privileging and devoting special attention to the contexts and perspectives of women from marginalized cultures and displaced communities, outside and inside the United States.
Our Vision
Our vision is to build networks of multicultural and non-colonial feminist solidarities within and across national borders. Our critical perspective understands the interconnectedness of gender, sexuality, race, and social class structures and ideologies around the world.
Our Mission
Consistent with the mission of the University of San Francisco, the annual forum intends to promote and create knowledge that will fashion a more just world by challenging sexist, racist, heterosexist, and classist values, as well as societal structures, worldwide.
The core mission of the forum is to foster socially responsible learning and critical thinking. We start from the premise that “women” are not homogeneous or all the same. In fact, we women live with many differences among us, not least of which are class, ethnicity, race, sexuality, and locale. Our mission is to assist in unpacking intersected systems of oppression and privilege based on these differences.
The forum fosters informed, multicultural, and international reflection and dialogue. We aim to forge a new non-colonial feminist solidarity by hearing directly from the experiences and critical analyses of local and international academics, activists and artists who have been working to end gender oppression and other systems of oppression.
Our History
GFF, formerly Global Women's Rights Forum, was founded in the Spring of 2002 by a multi-ethnic and multi-disciplinary group of professors, namely, Dorothy Kidd, Cecília Santos, Aránzazu Borrachero, Susana Kaiser, and Karen Bouwer. Professor Roberto Varea and Women’s Studies Program Assistant Anne Hieber joined the group in the Spring of 2003. All meetings were held in the aptly named Fruitful Grounds Café. In the Spring of 2004, professors Kathy Nasstrom and Stephanie Sears joined the founders in the organization of the third annual GFF.
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events at this time.
Global Feminist Forum
San Francisco, CA 94117