April M. Randle
Assistant Professor
April Randle's research is broadly focused on how ecological factors shape the behavioral and morphological traits of species and influence species' distributions and interactions. She has conducted research on a range of taxa including: tropical trees (forest restoration), primates (foraging behavior), temperate flora (plant ecology, mating system evolution, plant-pollinator interactions), marine mammals (population size estimation of large cetaceans), tropical freshwater fish (adaptations to extreme environments), and amphibians (impacts of pesticides, toxicology).
Her most recent work focuses on ecological factors that influence the evolution of plant mating systems, and how the mating system can drive species diversification and influence species distribution.
- Stream and Riparian Ecology
- Plant Mating-System Evolution
- General Ecology
- Wildlife Conservation
Research Areas
- Environmental science
- Ecology
- Evolutionary biology
- Faculty Director, Star Route Farms
- Member of the USF STEM Diversity Council (CAS)
- Faculty sponsor for the student group SEEDS (Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity, and Sustainability)
- University of Pittsburgh, PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 2009
- University of Florida, MS in Zoology, 2001
- The Evergreen State College, BS/BA, 1994
Prior Experience
- Postdoctoral Research Associate/Research Scholar, Department of Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Morphological and genetic consequence of shifts in mating system in Solanum.
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Contributions of mating system and plant architecture to floral morphology.
Awards & Distinctions
- Educational Effectiveness Award (University of San Francisco)
- Environmental Protection Agency STAR Fellowship (University of Pittsburgh)
- National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) Working Group Award (University of Pittsburgh)
- National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (University of Pittsburgh)
Selected Publications
- Randle AM, Spigler RB, and Kalisz S. (2018). Shifts to earlier selfing in sympatry may reduce costs of pollinator sharing. Evolution 72 (8): 1587-1599.
- Grossenbacher, DL Brandvain Y, Auld JR, Burd M, Cheptou P-O, Conner JK, Grant AG, Hovick SM, Pannell JR, Pauw A, Petanidou T, Randle AM, Rubio de Casas R, Vamosi J, Winn A, Igic B, Busch JW, Kalisz S, and Goldberg EE. (2017). Self- compatibility is over-represented on islands. New Phytologist 217(1): 469-478.
- Broz AK* Randle AM*, Sianta SA, Tovar- Méndez A, McClure B and Bedinger PA (2017). Mating system transitions in Solanum habrochaites impact interactions between populations and species. New Phytologist 213(1): 440-454. *denotes lead authors.
- Randle AM, Slyder J and Kalisz S (2009). Can differences in autonomous selfing ability explain differences in range size among sister-taxa pairs of Collinsia (Plantaginaceae)? An extension of Baker’s Law. New Phytologist 183: 618-629.
- Hilderbrand RH, Watts AC, and Randle AM (2005). The myths of restoration ecology. Ecology and Society 10(1): 19.
- Randle AM and Chapman LJ (2005). Variation in behavioral and morphological allocation to air and water breathing in the African anabantid Ctenopoma muriei. Journal of Fish Biology 67: 292-298.
- Paul JR, Randle AM, Chapman LJ, and Chapman CA (2004). Arrested succession in logging gaps: Is tree seedling growth and survival limiting? African Journal of Ecology 42: 245-251.