Micah Ballard
Administrative Director
Author of four full-length collections of poetry, The Michaux Notebook (FMSBW), Afterlives (Bootstrap Press, 2016), Waifs and Strays (City Lights Books, 2011), nominated for a California Book Award, and Parish Krewes (Bootstrap Press, 2009), and over a dozen small books, including Muddy Waters (State Champs, 2022), Selected Prose (2008-19) (Blue Press, 2020), Daily Vigs (Bird & Beckett Books, 2019), Vesper Chimes (Gas Meter, 2014), Evangeline Downs (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2006) and Negative Capability in the Verse of John Wieners (2nd edition, Bootstrap Press, 2017). His writing has appeared in Americana, Bay Poetics, Blue Book, Boog City, Chicago Review, Drunken Boat, The Emerald Tablet, Evidence of the Paranormal, Harriet: The Poetry Foundation, LIT, LiveMag NYC!, MARY: A Journal of New Writing, PEN, The Poetry Project Newsletter, The Recluse, Try!, and Vanitas, among others.
- Poetry
Research Areas
- Bay Area Writing
- Administrative Director, MFA in Writing
- MA in Poetics, New College of California
- MFA in Poetics, New College of California
Prior Experience
- Adjunct Professor in Poetry, New College of California
- Director of Administration, Humanities, New College of California
Selected Publications
Muddy Waters (State Champs, 2022)
Selected Prose (2008-2019, Blue Press)
Afterlives (2016)
Vesper Chimes (2014)
Waifs and Strays (2011)
Widows & Orphans (2011)
Poems from the New Winter Palace with Michael Carr (2010)
Parish Krewes (2009)
Easy Eden with Patrick James Dunagan (2009)
Darrell (2007)
New Poems (2006)
Evangeline Downs (2006)
Death Race V.S.O.P. with Will Yackulic & Cedar Sigo (2005)
Scenes from the Saragossa Manuscript (2004)
Emblematic (2004)
In the Kindness of Night (2003)
Bettina Coffin (2003)
Absinthian Journal (2002)
Chandeliers from the Metairie Cemetery (2001)
Negative Capability in the Verse of John Wieners (2001)