Peter Ajer
Adjunct Professor
Peter Claver Ajer holds a PhD in Biblical Studies (New Testament and Early Christianity) with an allied field in Political Science (Peace and Conflict Studies) and a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture. His book, The Death of Jesus and the Politics of Place in the Gospel of John, employs modern theories of political and social geography to determine John's construction of liberating spaces in the Fourth Gospel’s Passion Narrative. His present research methodologies include historical criticism, social-science criticism, cultural approaches, postcolonial approaches, and ecological hermeneutics. Works in progress include the Rhetoric of War in Judeo-Christian Scriptures in the Political Theology of the Holy Spirit Movement and Lord’s Resistance Army of Uganda, Social Construction of Space in Philemon, and the Gathering Motif in the Fourth Gospel.
- PhD, Graduate Theological Union
- SSL, Pontifical Biblical Institute
- STB, Pontifical Urbaniana University
Selected Publications
"Leaders Without Blemish: The Golden Calf Incident in Pseudo-Philo’s Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum." In The Golden Calf Traditions in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, edited by Eric F. Mason and Edmondo F. Lupieri. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers (forthcoming 2018, in collaboration with John Endres, S.J.)
"Tongues and Community Building in Corinth (1 Corinthians 12-14)." Asian American Theological Forum 4 no. 2 (2017).
The Death of Jesus and the Politics of Place in the Gospel of John. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications (2016).