Terrence Parr

Terence Parr

Faculty Emeritus

Faculty Emeritus


Terence is a professor of computer science and is the creator of the ANTLR parser generator. He herded programmers and implemented the large jGuru developers web site, during which time he developed and refined the StringTemplate engine. Terence has consulted for and held various technical positions at companies such as IBM, Lockheed Missiles and Space, NeXT, and Renault Automation. Terence was an expert witness for Google in the Oracle v Google Android lawsuit. His passion is writing software.


  • Software engineering
  • Programming language design and implementation
  • How programmers communicate with machines to build new software


  • Director, MS in Data Science
  • ANTLR project supreme dictator for life


  • Purdue University, PhD in Computer Engineering, 1993
  • University of Minnesota, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Army High-Performance Computing Research Center