Admissions Policy
Admissions Policy
The University of San Francisco School of Law seeks to admit students who are among the most capable law students in the nation and who will bring a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to the classroom and the legal profession. We recognize that diversity has the potential to enrich everyone's education and to make the law school class stronger than the sum of its parts. We seek students who will work to promote the well-being of society, further social justice domestically and abroad, and contribute to the common good.
The School of Law considers all factors relevant to predicting success in law study and in the profession, including many attributes other than prelaw academic record and performance on the Law School Admission Test. We consider work experience and career achievement, community or public service, career goals (with particular attention paid to the likelihood of the applicant representing underrepresented communities), significant adversity overcome - including socioeconomic disadvantage, the ability to contribute to law school programs and specializations, evidence of and potential for leadership, language ability, unusual life experiences, and any other factors (except those factors deemed inadmissible by applicable law) that indicate the applicant may significantly diversify the student body or make a distinctive contribution to the School of Law or the legal profession.
Pre-Law Studies
Admission to the law school requires a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
The law school does not prescribe a particular prelaw curriculum.
The faculty strongly recommends an undergraduate program providing a wide-ranging, liberal education. A broad exposure is considered more advisable and useful than a narrow emphasis on vocationally oriented courses. Courses which provide training in written and oral expression and which are intellectually and analytically demanding are particularly recommended.
Admission Procedure
The USF School of Law begins accepting applications for both divisions of the Juris Doctor Program after Labor Day. Applications are considered in the order completed. The Admissions Committee will not consider any application for admission until all required documents are received. Applicants are encouraged to submit all supporting documents as soon as possible. Because the Admissions Committee uses a rolling admission system and begins the review process in December, applicants whose files are completed later in the application period may jeopardize their chances for admission.
Applicants, and those interested in applying, are urged to visit the law school. The law school holds periodic informational open houses and tours.
First-Year Applicants
Applicants for the entering class are accepted for the fall semester only. Applicants must indicate on the application form whether they wish to apply for the full-time or the part-time degree program; an applicant may not apply to both programs.
Any applicant who has previously registered at another law school must have a letter of good standing submitted by that law school. In the event that the student sat for an examination at another law school, an official transcript and class rank also are required.
USF gives serious consideration to all of the ways in which an applicant's perspective, culture, and background might contribute to a diverse educational environment in the law school. In addition to the required Personal Statement, you may submit an optional Supplemental Statement SEPARATE from the personal statement.
In this statement, we invite you to share more about how your unique voice, perspective, and experience will enrich everyone's education and to make the law school class stronger than the sum of its parts.