Engaged Learning

USF MBA Team gives great account at the 2012 Venture Capital Investment Competition

by Dave Epstein

USF MBA team

I am very pleased to report that our USF MBA team of Jason Pfeifer, Sam Leung, Stavros Christoforou, Nikolaos Christopoulos, and Marcelo Ringeling delivered an extraordinarily strong performance at the 2012 VCIC Contest Friday February 10, 2012. At the event, our team competed with MBA teams from USC, Cal, BYU, U. Washington, and U. Texas.

The teams competed to analyze two companies, perform due diligence, question the entrepreneurs, write and negotiate a funding term sheet and defend their analysis to a panel of judges. Although we didn’t bring home any awards this time, our team delivered a stellar performance which got the attention of the VC’s in the room. One of the judges we met afterward had rated us above the first place winner and another could think of nothing to improve. I am especially proud of the team and their hard work and, in my opinion, truly exemplary performance at the event.

Jacob Gelfand, our student coach added this: This marks my second year participating in VCIC – last year as a member of the USF team, and this year as an assistant coach. The 2012 team (Jason, Marcello, Nikos, Sam and Stavros) made me incredibly proud to be part of the USF community. VCIC is an undeniable example of the journey proving so much more significant than the destination. I have no doubt that the team will view this as one of the most challenging, rewarding, and empowering experiences of their careers.

Thanks to Professor Mark Cannice for his encouragement and support for the team.

Please join me in a well-deserved hearty congratulations to the team and thanks for showing off our USF entrepreneurial expertise.