Investment, Minor
Learn the essentials of investing and saving. Analyze investment data. Build a portfolio of different asset classes. Manage real money in your Student Managed Fund course. Gain an edge in the finance world as an investment minor at USF.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students earning an investment minor will be able to:
- Build a portfolio of different asset classes in various ways and analyze the performance historically
- Understand how to work with investing data and manage it using Bloomberg and Factset
- Have a familiarity with programs used to analyze investment data
- Understand the mathematics and insights needed to value a security and understand how to explain why or why not the market price is right
- Understand how to make an investment recommendations and execute the trade, including how it fits into the overall portfolio and the benefit to the portfolio
Minor Requirements
Required Courses (12 Units)
- BUS 330 - Investment Analysis
- BUS 338 - Intro to Finance & Investments
- BUS 434 - Student Managed Fund
Elective (8 Units)
- BUS 335 - Applied Capital Markets & Personal Finance
- BUS 336 - Behavioral Finance
- BUS 337 - Creative Investing
- BUS 437 - Options & Futures
Discover the Silk Investment Institute
As an investment minor, you have access to the Silk Investment Lab in Malloy Hall, which integrates real-world financial and economic data into your classes and helps you gain in-demand skills in finance and investments.
Related Program
Use finance for good. Learn how to use financial management as an honest, scientific tool. Increase social wealth through responsible use of funds.
Connect With Us
Admission & Aid
Office of Undergraduate Admission
Lone Mountain Main 251
2800 Turk Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118
2800 Turk Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118
Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Call (415) 422-6563
Text (415) 636-6272