students stand over laptops in class
Migration Studies, MA

Learn by Doing

In the Master in Migration Studies program, you learn by doing, not just by listening. Hands-on experiences plus classroom learning help prepare you to succeed.

Visit the US–Mexico Border

Take an annual trip to the US–Mexico border with a cohort of students and faculty. You’ll engage with local communities and organizations, understand the human stories behind policy and statistics, and gain a comprehensive view of border issues.

grad students sit together in mexico

Study Migration Abroad

You may study at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City (classes are conducted in English) during your second semester, but an identical curriculum is offered at USF. While in Mexico, you may intern with populations that migrate through the city. You’ll return to USF for your second year. We also offer a spring break immersion trip to Italy, where you can study refugee crisis responses in Europe.

Universidad Iberoamericana

Participate in International Migration Conferences at USF

Help produce international migration conferences at USF, led by our faculty. Take part in research and debates in migration studies. Connect with scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in the field. Hone your professional communications and event-planning skills.

2023 International Conference

Immerse Yourself in a New Culture

See the world from a different perspective. Attend an immersion trip offered worldwide by more than 200 Jesuit universities and Jesuit-affiliated institutes and social service agencies. You can apply for travel funding and sign up for winter break, spring break, or summer immersions through Arrupe Immersions at USF.

migration studies students in morocco

Turn Learning Into Action

Internship, fellowship, and volunteer opportunities enable you to apply your academic learning to professional workplaces in the field of migration studies.

Besides interning at the Immigration and Deportation Defense Clinic and Immigration Policy Clinic on campus, students have also secured a range of internship, fellowship, and volunteer opportunities at the following organizations in the Bay Area, elsewhere in the United States, and abroad:

  • Immigration Fellows @
  • Innovation Fellows @ UNHCR
  • African Advocacy Network (San Francisco)
  • Refugee & Immigrant Transitions (San Francisco)
  • The LGBT Asylum Project (San Francisco)
  • International Rescue Committee (Oakland and San Jose)
  • Oakland Catholic Worker (Oakland)
  • Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity (Oakland)
  • Family Alliance for Counseling Tools & Resolution (San Jose)
  • Center for Domestic Peace (San Rafael)
  • Black Alliance for Just Immigration (California, New York, Georgia, Arizona)
  • Human Rights First (Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC)
  • Center for American Progress (Washington DC)
  • Migration Policy Institute (Washington DC)
  • National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (Mexico)
  • Deported Veterans Support House (Mexico)
  • Dråpen i Havet (Europe)
  • United Nations Information Center Tokyo (Japan)