Start here, go anywhere. Medicine, pharmacy, biotechnology, dentistry, field biology, public health...

Germaine Kabutaulaka ’17
Research Scientist
Meet a USF Biology Graduate
As a research scientist studying infectious and noncommunicable diseases around the world, I am grateful for the USF education because it prepared me to understand aspects of my job from the molecular to the global health level."
Germaine Kabutaulaka ’17
Research Scientist

Ana Najafi ’16
Strategic Pharmaceutical Development Associate
Think Like a Scientist
The ability to think like a scientist has been invaluable in my career journey. My coworkers are often impressed with my ability to understand what's going on in the lab, which I can attribute to my time at USF and the opportunities I had, that I wouldn't have had at another institution."
Ana Najafi ’16
Strategic Pharmaceutical Development Associate
Graduate Schools
a partial list:
- Cornell University, Weill Medical College
- Duke University School of Medicine
- Georgetown University School of Medicine
- Harvard University School of Dental Medicine
- Mayo Medical School
- New England College of Optometry
- Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- UC Berkeley College of Optometry
- UC Irvine School of Medicine
- UCLA School of Dentistry
- UC San Diego School of Medicine
- UCSF School of Medicine
Land a Job Before You Graduate
When Nitish Bhargava ’22 collected his diploma, he had a job lined up as a biopharmaceutical researcher at Gilead Sciences.