Design, BA
Learn how you can use your visual voice to make a difference. Study with experts in state-of-the-art classrooms. Become part of a tight-knit creative community. Build your network from here.
What makes USF design different?
At USF, we prepare students for a career in design and instill a passion to serve others. We recognize the role a designer can play in shaping the social, cultural, and political landscape. This is urgent as we work with and around Silicon Valley."
Noopur Agarwal Associate Professor
Beyond the Classroom
Our Bachelor of Arts in Design offers you energy, experiences, and opportunities you won’t find anywhere else.
Design for Good
In our Design Activism service-learning course, you learn to become an agent of change. You'll work with several nonprofits each semester and use your design knowledge to make a positive impact in the city. Students have previously advocated against increases in MUNI fares that would hurt workers and their families.
Learn by Doing
Come join USF’s Graphic Center, a student-run organization that designs posters, flyers, banners, t-shirts, and brochures for clubs, faculty, and departments on campus. Or check out Design Collectives, a student group that empowers designers through community and discussion. Participate in design competitions like Adobe’s Creative Jam and publicly exhibit your thesis projects in the SOMArts gallery in downtown San Francisco.
Showcase Your Art
Interested in Architecture? Art History? Fine Arts?
Explore these three programs below. You'll work in small studio classes, engage the community, and prepare for a world in which your gifts are needed more than ever.
Architecture, community design, urban design, city planning, and landscape design — come study and practice design that makes a difference.
Blend history and theory with practical experience. Learn visual literacy, critical thinking, and research skills that enable you to thrive in the art world.
Train in a studio with professional artists. Stretch your imagination and find your voice. Honor art-making in all its forms.
Connect With US
Admission & Aid
Design, BA
Mon-Fri, 9a.m. - 5p.m.