Create, collaborate, and share in XARTS.
XARTS (pronounced “eks-arts”) is the fine arts and architecture facilities. It offers 2D and 3D studios equipped with tools for drawing, painting, printmaking, digital photography, video, digital fabrication, sculpture, ceramics, and woodworking. There are also computer labs and a gallery for class critiques and exhibitions.
2D Studio
The 2D facilities support drawing, painting, mixed media, and printmaking including relief, etching and silkscreen techniques.
Equipment highlights are: floor model printing press, Klopfestein easels, light exposure unit for printmaking, imaging programs, and printers for digital printmaking techniques.
3D Studio
The 3D facilities provide workspace and a wide range of tools including hand and power tools in addition to larger stationary wood working equipment. They are made available under the supervision of trained faculty and staff.
Equipment highlights are: SawStop table saw, CNC machine, lathe, 17” bandsaw, 12”planer, Shimpo potters wheels, full size electric kiln, and Northstar full size slab roller.
Computer Labs
XARTS has four computer labs, equipped with Apple iMac computers, printers, scanners, Wacom pen tablets, and more. Pick your choice of computer lab during open study hours to edit photos, create digital art, and build your digital portfolio.