Stay Safe at USF
You play a role in safety at USF. Learn about procedures, programs, and classes that the Office of Public Safety offers to inform the community, help prevent crime, and keep the campus safe.
Stay Safe
Practice the techniques on the Safety on the Street tip sheet. Take self-defense classes from Public Safety. Learn about fire safety. Student Housing and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) also sponsor programs on personal safety, as well as alcohol and drug awareness.
Stay Informed
Keep your eyes and ears open for Dons Alert. Dons Alert is a system that enables the Office of Public Safety to send emergency notifications to the USF community. Notifications may be sent via email, phone call, and text message with instructions on where to go, what to do, whom to contact, and other information. Notifications are sent to all registered devices.
Some of the basic things we tell our kids — have your head on swivel, walk in pairs, don’t have your headphones in — those are all things that they hear from staff at USF as well. My daughter takes MUNI and goes everywhere with it.”
Jenny Parent of a 2023 graduate from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Follow Your Building Marshal
Building marshals manage and coordinate crime prevention and emergency response protocols for evacuations, lockdown, and other situations. Every building at USF has a marshal trained by the Office of Campus Resilience in the university’s emergency procedures. During an emergency, building marshals can be identified by their yellow vests. Follow their instructions.
Get a Wallet Card
Wallet-sized cards with information on emergency preparedness are available free of charge at the Public Safety Office on the fifth floor of University Center. Drop by and pick one up any weekday. Check our quick-reference guide, too.