Safety on the Street
Practice these techniques all year long.
Trust Your Intuition
If you feel threatened or something does not feel right, take action immediately and change the situation. Your instincts are your best tools for personal safety.
Be Aware
Use all your senses to be aware-avoid using headphones to listen to music while on the street or public transit. Awareness helps you avoid becoming a victim by letting a potential assailant know you are aware of what is going on around you. Awareness allows you to pick up on subtle signals that warn you to be cautious and be able to react quickly.
Be Assertive
With your body: Walk, look and move with confidence and with purpose. Do not walk with your head down, but don't challenge people either-these extremes can draw negative attention.
With your voice: Set personal boundaries, educate people on how to treat you, scream and cause a scene if necessary. Most assaults can be prevented with proper assertiveness.
Personal Safety Tips
- Plan your itinerary with safety in mind
- Know the safe places where you live, work, and play
- Police stations, fire stations, hospitals and open businesses are all safe places
- Keep your valuables (money, credit cards, keys, cell phone, ipods, etc.) concealed; carry in different places on your person or in your purse
- If carrying a wallet, keep it in a front pocket
- Walk in well-lighted, well-traveled streets. No shortcuts through wooded areas, parking lots, or dark alleys
- Walk facing traffic to avoid being surprised by someone in a vehicle. If someone tries to pull you into a vehicle, run, scream, fight, do whatever you can to avoid being taken
- Try not to fumble in your pocket or purse for your door key; have it in hand before you reach your home or car
- If someone is walking behind your or approaching you and you are not sure of their intent, make eye contact with them for one second. This will let the person know that you are aware, you see them and you are not a victim
- If you think someone is following you, abruptly switch direction or cross the street. If you're still being followed, go to a public place and ask for help
- Program 9-1-1 into the direct dial feature of your cell phone.