USF Teacher Education Department Offers RICA Prep Workshop

On a rainy Saturday in December, 46 teacher education students filled USF’s McLaren building to hone test-taking strategies and answer practice problems in preparation for the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA). All multiple subject teaching credential candidates in California are required to pass the RICA prior to receiving their credential. The exam assesses candidates’ knowledge and preparation for providing effective reading instruction. It is a challenging exam that requires extensive preparation.
The three-hour workshop was sponsored by the USF Teacher Education Department and taught by adjunct instructor Autumn Wagner. USF Teacher Education students were invited to attend free of charge. Utilizing an interactive approach, the workshop offered an in-depth review of the content of the exam. Students worked in groups to review test material and answer practice questions.
Candidates reported that the workshop helped them develop a structure for studying for the RICA. Students learned organizational strategies for creating concise study materials out of the vast amount of information gained in their literacy courses. The opportunity to engage with the content of the exam was also helpful. “It was a positive experience and helpful to dive more thoroughly into examples,” shared one workshop attendee.
Due to the success of this workshop, the Teacher Education Department plans to offer it again in the spring semester for candidates taking the RICA in summer 2017. Contact if you are interested in receiving an invitation to the spring workshop.