USF students walking and talking

Transferable Course Agreements

The University of San Francisco has articulation agreements with more than 60 two-year colleges in California and Seattle, Washington. An articulation agreement shows which courses from another institution meet USF's Core Curriculum graduation requirements. If your school is currently not listed below, use the Transfer Credit Evaluator tool to gauge which of your courses may transfer. Unless you are a nursing or engineering major, no specific coursework is required to transfer to the University of San Francisco.

Discuss your path with a USF transfer admission counselor who can help you plan your courses. Make an appointment.

California Community Colleges

Washington Colleges

Transfer Admission

Lone Mountain Main 251
2800 Turk Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118

Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Call (415) 422-6563
Text (415) 636-6272