Shabnam Shermatova looking at a piece of art
Art History & Museum Studies, BA


Graduates leave the program with a deep understanding of art's relationship to the world around them. Alumni go on to work as scholars, in galleries, museums, tech start-ups, and many continue on to graduate programs.

Social Change on Display

"I think that in San Francisco, where the culture is so visual and so stimulated, the ability to effect change through art is most relevant and realistic."

Aubree Mladenovic looks at books in the library.

The Art of Tech

"Things move at light speed in the tech world, so the ability to think critically, make research-based decisions, and communicate effectively are invaluable strengths. "

Madeline Warner in front of a mural.

Arts Educator

"My work challenges people to take an active role in creating the world they live in."

Arianna Paz Chávez


a partial list:

  • The de Young Museum
  • The Contemporary Jewish Museum
  • The Bay Area Discovery Museum
  • The Exploratorium
  • The Academy of Sciences
  • Christie’s and Phillip’s Auction Houses
  • Catharine Clark Gallery
  • Frey Norris Gallery
  • John Berggruen Gallery
  • Franklin Bowles Gallery

Graduate Schools

a partial list:

  • New York University
  • University of California at Berkeley
  • George Washington University
  • Tufts University
  • Mills College
  • JFK University
  • Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London
  • University of San Francisco

Alumna's Artworks Appear at SFMOMA

Arriving in San Francisco from the Philippines in 1970, Pacita Abad fell in love with art. Earlier this year, her masks, paintings, and abstract compositions were part of an exhibit at SFMOMA.

Pacita Abad