List of all Undergraduate Majors
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Neuroscience, BS
Major, Minor
Explore different brains: how they work and why. Examine mental health inequities. Learn the ethics of research and technology. Take electives in computer science, philosophy, data science, and engineering.
Nursing, BSN
Peace & Justice Studies, Minor
Study the conditions that create wars and injustice. Create a vision for a peaceful society & develop tools to implement that vision.
Performing Arts & Social Justice, BA
Turn your art into activism. You’ll learn through studio work, service-learning, and research seminars, and you'll infuse your work with your cause.
Philippine Studies, Minor
Philosophy, BA
Learn how to think morally and ethically. Prepare to change the world through law, education, or social action.
Physics, BS
Major, Minor
Learn how the universe works so that you may change the world. Law, engineering, mathematics — you'll be equipped for it all with a physics degree from USF.
Physics/Applied Economics (4+1), BS/MS
Major, Graduate
Politics, BA
Major, Minor
Psychology, BA
Major, Minor
Come explore the hows and whys of human behavior. Then pursue a career in psychology, medicine, business, law.
Public Policy, Minor
Understand how policy affects all aspects of society. Evaluate how public policy is made and how to measure its impact.
Public Relations, Minor
Public Service and Community Engagement, Minor
Explore and analyze the intersections between yourself, your community, and pervasive social justice issues. Become an agent of positive social change.
Public Health (4+1), BSPH/MPH
Major, Graduate
In just five years, earn a BS in Public Health and a Master of Public Health. Get a discount on your fifth year.
Public Policy + Urban and Public Affairs (4+1), BA/BS-MA
Major, Graduate
Choose any undergraduate major. Minor in public policy. Then spend a final year getting your MA in Urban and Public Affairs.
Public Health, BS
Learn to improve the health of whole populations. Advocate for health equity and social justice. Prepare to lead in public health locally and globally.
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Education, Minor
Become a teacher who inspires students. Advocate for STEM education in classrooms and communities.
Sociology, BA
Major, Minor
Understand social institutions and their impact on individuals. Explore how race, class, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, income, and abilities create social structures and social inequalities. Roll up your sleeves and do real work in the real world — internships, community collaborations, research with faculty. Prepare to change the world tomorrow by serving the world today.
Spanish Studies, Minor
Learn about Spanish-speaking communities around the world, and develop a deep cultural understanding of Chicanx, Hispanic & Latin American people.
Teacher Preparation Dual Degree (4+1)
Major, Graduate
Earn two degrees and a Preliminary California Teaching credential in five years.
Theater, Minor
Ideal for students who have a passion for theater, the minor allows students to specialize in either performance or technical theater/design.
Theology & Religious Studies, BA
Major, Minor
Explore religion. Understand diverse beliefs. Develop your critical thinking and analysis skills.
Undergraduate Teacher Credential Program
Earn your bachelor’s degree and a Preliminary California Teaching credential in four years.
Urban Agriculture, Minor
UX/UI, Minor
Explore the emerging field of user experience and user interface (UX/UI) design. Study with experts in state-of-the-art classrooms. Create digital interfaces from websites to apps. Learn to prototype, research, and test your work in the field with real users and real data.