List of all Undergraduate Majors
Know your major? Click our big list above. Or explore your options below.
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Engineering Physics, Minor
English in Literature, Minor
English in Writing, Minor
English, BA
Major, Minor
Harness the power of language. Navigate cultures through diverse written works. Learn to read, write, speak, and analyze. Use your words to improve the world.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation, BSBA
Major, Minor
Learn from professors who have been there, and develop your own ideas from inception to organization.
Environmental Engineering, Minor
Environmental Studies, BA
Major, Minor
Study our environment from different angles — cultural, behavioral, political, ethical, economic — and prepare to pursue a sustainable and fair future for all.
Environmental Science, BS
Major, Minor
Tackle environmental issues such as pollution, wildfires, and hurricanes. Learn to prevent, preserve, and sustain through assessment, regulations, and policy.
European Studies, Minor
Understand today's Europe and its place in the world. Go there to learn about it from the inside out.
Film Studies, Minor
Finance, BSBA
Use finance for good. Learn how to use financial management as an honest, scientific tool. Increase social wealth through responsible use of funds.
Fine Arts, BA
Major, Minor
Train in a studio with professional artists. Stretch your imagination and find your voice. Honor art-making in all its forms.
French Studies, Minor
Gender & Sexualities Studies, Minor
Study gender & sexualities across historical eras, geographical regions, political & legal systems. Explore the intersections of race, class, age & sexuality.
Gerontology, Minor
Work alongside older adults in Bay Area communities to explore aging through the lenses of kinesiology, biology, psychology, communications & performing arts.
Health Studies, Minor
Study the biological, psychological, communicative, social, spiritual, and environmental aspects of health.
History, BA
Major, Minor
Understand the present in light of the past. Study social, cultural, environmental, gender, economic, political & religious history. Find your future from here.
Hospitality Management, BSBA
Major, Minor
Work directly with some of the leading hotels and hospitality organizations in the world, based right here in San Francisco.
Humanistic Management, Minor
International Studies, BA
Study global issues, institutions, relations & economics. Prepare to make a difference in government service, education, business, law, or development.
International Studies (4+1), BA/MA
Major, Graduate
Explore cultures and social movements. Do internships and fieldwork. Tackle local issues on a global scale. Seek justice for all.
International Business, BSBA
See the world as a whole. Learn to harness the communication networks at your fingertips. Graduate ready to change the world of business.
International & Development Economics (4+1), BS/MS
Major, Graduate
Investment, Minor
Learn the essentials of investing and saving. Analyze investment data. Build a portfolio of different asset classes. Manage real money in your Student Managed Fund course. Gain an edge in the finance world as an investment minor at USF.
Japanese Studies, Minor
Immerse yourself in Japan's language, literature, religion, and history alongside professors who share your passion.
Jewish Studies & Social Justice, Minor
Examine Jewish culture, history, politics, philosophy, and language to better understand and strengthen marginalized communities around the globe.
Journalism, Minor
Kinesiology, BS
Design physical activity programs, research the mechanics of physical activity, and explore how moving the body supports the soul.
Latin American Studies, Minor
Critically analyze economic, social, & political processes, and develop knowledge and appreciation for the many cultures of Latin American and Caribbean people.
Legal Studies, Minor
Learn how the legal system works, and whether you take that to law school or a career in politics, you'll be prepared to improve the world.
Management, BAM
Management, BSBA
Learn the human side of business. Join a new generation of leaders who are as concerned about community as they are about quarterly returns.
Marketing, BSBA
Work with firms like Cisco, Fitbit, and Oracle. Use data analytics to develop your own marketing campaigns.
Mathematics, BS
Major, Minor
Discover that math is equal parts exploration and inspiration, and that it can be applied across almost all industries — and used for good.
Mathematics/Applied Economics (4+1), BS/MS
Major, Graduate
Media Studies, BA
Major, Minor
Change the world by changing perspective. Learn both analysis and production, and create content that matters.
Middle Eastern Studies, Minor
Study the historical, religious, and political trends that continue to shape the Middle East. Prepare for a career in diplomacy, finance, or telecommunications.
Museum Studies, Minor
Organize an exhibition on campus. Intern at a local museum or art gallery. Preserve our collective understanding of the world.
Music, Minor
The Music minor is open to all students. No previous experience in music is required, and the minor is compatible with any major course of study.
Natural Science, Minor
Gain the knowledge you need to thrive in medical, dental, or veterinary school.